Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 1 '22 esl>eng servicios periódicos domiciliarios intermittent, as-needed, on site services easy closed no
4 May 27 '22 ita>eng precaricata pre-loaded easy closed ok
- Nov 28 '21 fra>eng hall d’immeuble building lobby/lobbies easy closed ok
4 Dec 13 '20 ita>eng elevati livelli di servizio with higher/enhanced levels of service easy closed ok
4 Dec 15 '19 fra>eng Aptitudes abilities easy closed ok
- Apr 6 '19 fra>eng du secteur privé produced in the private sector easy closed ok
- Jan 6 '19 fra>eng Mais qu’en est-il réellement ? But how does it actually play out? easy closed ok
- Aug 18 '18 por>eng proprietários de terra property owners easy closed ok
- Mar 2 '18 fra>eng À chaque fois l’impact sur les performances de chacun n’est pas neutre. in every instance, the impact on each worker's performance is positive easy closed ok
- Nov 18 '17 ita>eng che mi porto da that I have brought with me easy closed ok
- Jun 23 '17 ita>eng conseguente consequent to easy closed ok
- Jun 20 '17 eng>esl looking a year or two years ahead anticipar lo que va a pasar dentro de uno o dos años, al menos easy closed ok
- Jan 30 '17 fra>eng conduire de façon exemplaire to manage, in an exemplary manner easy closed no
- Jan 28 '17 fra>eng Bien de l'état /overnment/state-owned (p)lot/(p)lot that is an asset of the Crown easy closed no
4 May 31 '15 fra>eng mise en oœuvre the implementation of easy closed ok
- May 26 '15 esl>eng en un inglés eficaz, conciso y claro in clear, concise, effective English easy closed no
NP Oct 30 '11 eng>esl Let sleeping dogs lie. más vale no meneallo easy closed no
- Sep 13 '11 eng>esl customer care cuidado asistencial para clientes easy closed ok
- Jul 17 '11 fra>eng Je n'ai pas la main là-dessus It's out of my control. easy closed ok
- Jul 13 '11 fra>eng je veux bien lui en toucher deux mots I'd really like to have a just a/at least a short conversation with him. easy closed ok
- May 1 '11 fra>eng entraîné did not involve any cost easy closed ok
4 Dec 13 '10 esl>eng mayor (noun) does the most easy closed ok
- Jul 6 '10 fra>eng équipe d’ouverture openers' team easy closed ok
- Nov 21 '09 fra>eng être amené à impelled easy closed no
- May 7 '09 fra>eng Dans le cadre du Projet For the purposes of the project... easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered