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Search results: (46 matches)
ФорумТемаЗаголовокТекстАвтор темыВремя contests - discussion of competition in specific pairs Discussion about Mini-contest 2012: "Yogi Berra Quotes" in English to Indonesian Congratulation! No matter what I would like to convey at this
first occasion my appreciation on all efforts
joining this competition. We are happy that our
locale could be provided in the 'own track' of
Alex ST Nov 17, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work during public holidays? That's what we are, as a freelancer We are freedom and not bound by any day, included
holidays. If we like we do, if not we are on
vacation. For me I like working on holiday since
it cheers up my decision as a freelancer...
Alex ST Apr 23, 2011
Indonesian Rate rendah = Mutu terjemahan rendah? Bagaimana menurut rekan-rekan. Apakah rate murah
itu identik dengan kualitas terjemahan yang kurang
bermutu? Jika setuju kita katakan rate rendah yang
dimaksud adalah rate terjemahan di ba
Alex ST Jul 20, 2010
Getting established Future and Permanent Occupation Our room is narrower and more translators must give up [quote]Arianne Farah wrote: So there is room at
the top, it's the bottom that overwhelmed in our
industry at the moment. [/quote] Thanks for
all answers. I feel the situation but mo
Alex ST Jul 20, 2010
Money matters Trying to collect Many ways to receive fund I am not so sure Paypal policy in Argentina. In
Indonesia, once we could only send money. But now,
here Paypal opens all transactions. Hope it would
be the same with you there. If you c
Alex ST Jul 19, 2010
Getting established Future and Permanent Occupation supply could be over demand for freelance translator [quote]Krzysztof Kajetanowicz wrote: If this
theory was to hold, why isn't it "saturated"
already? [/quote] Well, we never know when the
saturated will happen since this involves the
Alex ST Jul 19, 2010
Getting established Future and Permanent Occupation Dear Colleagues, As freelance translator
there is more flexible time. But, are you
confident to survive with this profession for
future so that you are sure to leave your
Alex ST Jul 19, 2010 training Social Networking Guide for Freelancers and Agency Owners Webinar Material Dear sir, I would like to join this webinar since
the need is getting larger. Could you inform
whether all participants will get the presented
material, probably in the form of Pdf file,
Alex ST Jun 30, 2010
Money matters Subtitling Rate USD1.00 per minute Business is an appreciation Yes, Veronica. I copied the thread. Should we
focus to "appreciate" for this thread?
Alex ST Jun 14, 2010
Money matters Subtitling Rate USD1.00 per minute Dear translators, Recently there is a company
offering USD1.00 per minute for translating
subtitles of a video, a movie. If the duration is
about 2.5 hours (just a proximate guess), i
Alex ST Jun 14, 2010
Translation news SDL announces "Starter Edition" of Trados Studio at €8 per month I am so curious and very interested to use the new
release of SDL. This offers sounds good especially
if month-basis could reach to be bi-annum. In
country like Indonesia, USD and Pounds r
Alex ST Mar 4, 2010
Indonesian Punya kesempatan belajar Bahasa lain, pilih bahasa apa? English Bahasa Inggris yang perlu diprioritaskan. Bahsa
Lain akan saling melengkapi. Saya sih akan pilih
Mandarin atau Korean. Go with Proz. Alex
Alex ST Dec 18, 2009
Indonesian Klien Yang Nakal Thank you [quote]vicksy nurhayati wrote: Pak Alex, ini
nih situs web mereka, highly recommended: Vicksy [/quote] Thanks bu
Nur Alex
Alex ST Nov 5, 2009
Indonesian Klien Yang Nakal Diplomasi dalam mengirim "warning email" [quote]Darmali wrote: Terakhir, dia bilang mau
bayar lewat paypal tapi sampai sekarang belum ada
realisasi. Ya...nanti harus email lagi...lagi,
mudah mudahan gak terlalu lama. Tapi memang
Alex ST Nov 4, 2009
Indonesian Klien Yang Nakal Kejujuran [quote]vicksy nurhayati wrote: Pernah ngalamin
dengan klien Inggris, akhirnya terpaksa pakai jasa
debt collection di Inggris sana. Berhasil,
meskipun nyicil bayarnya. Daripada gak dibay
Alex ST Nov 4, 2009
Indonesian Klien Yang Nakal Hi everybody. Walau tidak semua, dan memang
mayoritas baik, ada saja klien yang setelah
menerima hasil terjemahan, kemudian "diam seribu
bahasa". Di email, tidak jawab. Ditlp, kagak
Alex ST Nov 4, 2009
Indonesian Dampak Terjemahan dengan Rate Murah Rate Rendah efektif buat 'selain' portfolio [quote]esther tanuadji wrote: Menurut saya rate
yang rendah itu efektif jika digunakan untuk
memperoleh proyek-proyek yang kita inginkan untuk
membangun portfolio (yang tujuan akhirnya te
Alex ST Oct 4, 2009
Indonesian Dampak Terjemahan dengan Rate Murah tarif jangan buat stress [quote]Hipyan Nopri wrote Kalau seorang
penerjemah ingin bermain dalam bisnis penerjemahan
dg tarif yg layak, dia akan konsisten menerapkan
tarif yg layak. Kenapa harus mengikuti penerjem
Alex ST Aug 8, 2009
Indonesian Dampak Terjemahan dengan Rate Murah Munculkan Rate Saya mah setuju dengan dimunculkannya rate pada
profile. Hanya saja jika semua bisa melihatnya
maka yang terjadi bukannya penerjemah mematok rate
baik, malah penerjemah saling berlomba leb
Alex ST Aug 5, 2009
Being independent The translators' world, a world of the lonesome ? Wonderful Job It has been quite long that employment becomes a
dilemma for many workers in the world. Especially
in developing countries, the price of a worker
becomes very low in value. Why?, because t
Alex ST Aug 4, 2009
Indonesian Layakkah rate USD 0.03 per kata? Rate lagi. Iya memang pangkalnya ke sana toh,
selain kepuasan melakukan profesi
tentunya. Menurut rekan-rekan, penawaran agen
untuk rate di atas tergolong apa? Tidak layak,
Alex ST Jun 20, 2009
Money matters Translators being treated like cattle. NO way [quote]FarkasAndras wrote: The fee is obviously
very, very low, but it's not entirely insane, at
least not in my neck of the woods... and then,
payment within 3 days can partially make
Alex ST Jun 19, 2009
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Cannot open a PayPal account from Argentina use paypal, are you sure? Dear Colleagues, Let me share you my experience
with paypal. At first, I opened paypal with
Premier Account. According to the officer, I will
get charge when I receive money from cli
Alex ST Jun 19, 2009
Indonesian Dampak Terjemahan dengan Rate Murah Tahun depan mau banting apa? Kelihatannya para penerjemah kita bisa kerja bakti
jika tidak membendung rate rendah. Baru-baru
ini saya menempatkan post di forum Money Matters,
jika berkenan rekan2 penerjemah dapat
Alex ST Jun 19, 2009
Money matters How do you judge a rate? Not to standadize every translator Hi Sergei, Thanks for your comment. We are not
standardizing rate here. That's not the
point. [quote]Sergei Tumanov wrote: sounds
like Communism to me. Equality for
all! Uni
Alex ST Jun 18, 2009
Money matters "I will pay you a half because my client does not pay me at all?" Let us know if the client breaks again Dear Marius, Allow me to share my genuine
concern on your situation. You are deserved to
receive full payment. Eleftherios said it
clearly: [quote]Eleftherios Kritikakis
Alex ST Jun 18, 2009
Money matters How do you judge a rate? Any opinion from other countries? [quote]Jeff Whittaker wrote: very LOWEST rate
paid by clients for professional translation (in
the U.S.) would be between .18 - .20 per word. The
maximum I have seen is .45 a word, but
Alex ST Jun 18, 2009
Money matters How do you judge a rate? the point of sharing standard rate [quote]Katalin Horvath McClure
wrote: Otherwise, I do not see a point of this
discussion, as rates do vary greatly by language
pair, by geographic location, by specialty, by the
Alex ST Jun 18, 2009
Money matters How do you judge a rate? Could you share, what rate is standard? [quote]Madeleine MacRae Klintebo wrote: With the
current exchange rate (and just as Laurent, I
don't quote in USD), your "Upper Standard" is
roughly my baseline rate for general text.
Alex ST Jun 17, 2009
Money matters How do you judge a rate? Thank you to see it clearly, Laurent [quote]ScottishWildCat wrote: [quote]Alex ST
wrote: Rate per source word: Minor: USD less
than 2.00 [/quote] I guess you meant
less than 0.02 USD? [/quote] Yes, you g
Alex ST Jun 17, 2009
Money matters How do you judge a rate? Dear Colleagues, I believe rate is a sensitive
matter to everybody. But, This occasion I would
like to invite whole translators community to try
to figure out standadized rate. Though o
Alex ST Jun 17, 2009
Indonesian Dampak Terjemahan dengan Rate Murah Merugikan Penerjemah Indonesia [quote]Ikram Mahyuddin wrote: Saya rasa topik
seperti ini sudah pernah dibahas di forum-forum
lain dan seingat saya bisa disimpulkan bahwa rate
yang terlalu rendah akan dapat merugikan
Alex ST Jun 17, 2009
Indonesian Dampak Terjemahan dengan Rate Murah Hi, Fellow translators Saya percaya bahwa
masing-masing penerjemah memiliki rezeki sendiri.
Namun, saya juga berpikir bahwa masa depan kita
bergantung dari apa yang kita buat sekarang
Alex ST Jun 13, 2009
Indonesian Optimiskan Anda tahun ini? Apa perlu khawatir? Rasanya kalau kerjaan berhenti berarti bisnis
berhenti. End of story...! Rasanya terjemahan ke
Indonesian atau from Indonesian akan tetap naik,
bukan naik tanjakan tapi malah naik gunung.
Alex ST May 30, 2009
Money matters Getting started with Paypal for payments from clients and invoices, any advice? Paypal Accounts [quote]Eko Wahyu Setiawan wrote: For individual
who frequently receives money from paypal and
credit cards but tries avoid much additional fee,
premiere account is the best. You can spe
Alex ST May 20, 2009 technical support Does one have to be registered with to post a WWA entry? Good for Proz and the translator Dear all, Thank you to bring up this issue. If
a client (unregistered at Proz website) gave WWA
to a translator (registered at Proz website), it
would be good either for the translator
Alex ST May 9, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How long did it take you to build a portfolio of regular clients? Applause for Proz community I have been non-paying member since August 2008.
And I got client already in February. That is
wondeful and shows how people around the world are
looking intesely inside Why pe
Alex ST Mar 16, 2009
Indonesian Menterjemah atau menginterpretasi? Batasan terjemahan Berarti dapat kita sinmpulkan batasan terjemahan
seorang penerjemah (thanks Ade, KPTS dalam bahasa
Indonesia memang harus diluruhkan, keasyikan)
adalah: 1. penerjemahan adalah hasil dar
Alex ST Nov 22, 2008
Indonesian Nilai Tukar Dollar Rupiah Turun ---> Rates Perlu Naik? perlukah diubah? Hello rekan2... Ikutan boleh ya... Rasanya
jika kiota ubah rate sekarang nanti dia akan
berubah lagi. Katanya, sekarang ini US Dollar
sedang dalam status new equilibrium. Jadi, dolla
Alex ST Nov 21, 2008
Indonesian Menterjemah atau menginterpretasi? Menginterpretasikan... Thank Hengky, Info nya bagus sekali. Saya beri
contoh (mudah2an mengambil contoh dari kudoz tidak
melanggar "antitrust" ya) word/s:
empowered... Translation: 1. diberdayakan
Alex ST Nov 21, 2008
Indonesian Rate standar Inggris-Indonesia USD 0.05??? Hidupkan pembahasan tentang RATE Maaf rekan2, baru muncul... Saya setuju masalah
rate adalah terkait rezeki nya seseorang. Jadi,
tidak adil ya jika kita paksa mereka under
rate. Namun, perlu kita ingat bahwa Indones
Alex ST Nov 20, 2008
Indonesian Invitation to Indonesian Forum Go get them Mr Nophri, ikutan ya. Supaya ramean.
Boleh... Yes... All translators, you may join
to this forum so that we could exchange our
experience in doing translation jobs. Usually
we h
Alex ST Nov 20, 2008
Indonesian Menterjemah atau menginterpretasi? Hello.. rekan2 Penerjemah, Saya melihat di
kudoz, sarana saling membantu, ada yang
mengusulkan terjemahan dengan cara menterjemah dan
ada juga yang menginterpretasi. Apa sih
Alex ST Nov 20, 2008
Indonesian Komunitas Penterjemah Profesional Indonesia Urusan internasional ditangani secara internasional [quote] Sudah seharusnya urusan international
juga ditangani international.

[Edited at
2008-09-22 10:35] [/quote] Maksudnya ????
[/quote] Pak HikGum, mungkin maksud pak A
Alex ST Sep 24, 2008
Indonesian Komunitas Penterjemah Profesional Indonesia Selamat Siang para Penterjemah
Indonesia, Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui
kebutuhan terjemahan akan semakin banyak dan
mengingat interaksi global semakin luas, pasti "no
longer border
Alex ST Sep 22, 2008
Business issues agency not willing to pay My sympathy [quote]Rita Bilancio wrote: Dear colleagues, I
am in the middle of a dispute with an agency. I
had to translate a source text with not so well
written, so I did everything I could to
Alex ST Sep 3, 2008

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