Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

B-dot loop

Russian translation:

Петлевой датчик магнитного поля

Added to glossary by YuriPetroff (X)
Apr 15, 2015 01:54
9 yrs ago
English term

B-dot loop

English to Russian Science Physics
In the first approach (Fig. 1), a microwave signal was
registered by a B-dot loop (item L1, Fig. 1) placed at the
input of the horn antenna. A reflector (item 5, Fig. 1) and
waveguide phase shifter (ATM-WR-410) (item 4, Fig. 1) was
placed between the magnetron and antenna.
The minimum in amplitude
of the reflected signal from this B-dot loop corresponds to
the resonance frequency of the NR.

Proposed translations

44 mins

Петлевой датчик магнитного поля

Точечный петлевой датчик магнитного поля
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