Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:


English translation:

topsoil stripping

Added to glossary by adinag
Feb 4, 2008 08:46
16 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Romanian term


Romanian to English Science Archaeology arheologie
Dupa decopertarea mecanizata, realizata sub supraveghere arheologica de specialitate, a fost efectuata o razuire completa a suprafetei rezultate....
Change log

Feb 4, 2008 09:39: Peter Shortall changed "Field (specific)" from "History" to "Archaeology"

Proposed translations

21 mins

topsoil stripping

Dict. tehnic rutier la pozitia 10 2 08 prevede pentru decoperatre "stripping of topsoil"

Un alt ex. de fraza: "Topsoil stripping is the preliminary earthwork task that leads to all others" pe linkul - 31k
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
21 mins
9 hrs


DECOPERTÁ, decopertez, vb. I. Tranz. A desface acoperişul unei construcţii. ♦ Spec. A dezveli un zăcământ (care se exploatează la suprafaţă). [Var.:
One entry found.


Main Entry: un·cov·er
Pronunciation: \-ˈkə-vər\
Function: verb
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1: to make known : bring to light : disclose reveal <uncover the truth>
2: to expose to view by removing some covering
3 a: to take the cover from b: to remove the hat from <uncovered his head>
4: to deprive of protection
intransitive verb
1: to remove a cover or covering
2: to take off the hat as a token of respect

avand in vedere incadrarea mie "exposing" mi se pare cel mai potrivit
mai mult context nu ar strica
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