The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš anglų į kinų Psichologija Translation Glossary

anglų term kinų translation
a person of unconditional self-worth 具有绝对价值的人
all evolution one long history of its workings. 其演化是一段有关其運作方式的漫长历史
arrogance vs pride 自大 vs 自豪 (utf-8)
as like unto a raft dharmas should be forsaken 知论佛法如乘筏者应弃佛法
attention hyper-deficit disorder 注意力缺陷過動症
badgerer 糖粘型的
big picture consequences of actions 行动会对大局造成的后果
Entered by: Julia Zou
Can’t vs. Won’t FYI
caring 爱心
Entered by: Julia Zou
full of purpose 很有意义
Entered by: Dr. Chun Biao Li
get stimulated 令我干劲十足
Grouping 分组
groupthink 趋同思维、思想趋同或从众思维
health psychology 健康心理學
immunity and immortality 见下
little cooperation 不怎么合作/与人共事难得步调一致/少配合
making the rules up as they go 自订规则,自行其是
Entered by: Julia Zou
nested level 递进式或者叠加式?
not to attribute success to their own efforts and capabilities 不认为成功与否取决于自身的努力和能力
Sc 换句话说;亦即
self-esteem 自尊心•自尊感
strong conservers or strong originators 具有强烈保守倾向的人或具有强烈创新倾向的人/坚定的保守者或坚定的创新者
Entered by: Julia Zou
supergroup 超群
Entered by: Siwei Wang
supraordinate 置于上的
The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. 尽信书不如无书
verbal processors 言语外向型
We are Drawn to the Negative 我们往往悲观看待世事
what experience may hold 经历过的事情
what he may not do ( 很难说 ) 他(们)不会去(做).....
what the good life seems to be 美好生活大概是什么样的
worked up 神经紧张/煩燥不安/情緒激動
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