The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš anglų į malajiečių Chemija; chemijos mokslas / inžinerija Translation Glossary

anglų term malajiečių translation
Alkaryl polyether Alkaril polieter
Entered by: yam2u
Aluminum Oxide Aqueous Dispersion sebaran aluminium oksida akueus
Entered by: Sophia Jusoff
circa kira-kira
Entered by: Nasima Sarwar
contraindications kontrapenunjukan
Entered by: Ramona Ali
dangerous and hazardous berbahaya
down wind di bawah arah angin; menentang arah angin
Entered by: yam2u
dry sodium chloride natrium klorida kontang
Entered by: Sophia Jusoff
Effective date and Supercede date tarikh berkuat kuasa dan tarikh pengganti
Entered by: yam2u
environmentally responsible. mesra alam
Equilibrated Catalysts mangkin diimbangkan
Entered by: Bashir Basalamah
eye bath rendaman mata
foam release agent agen pelepas busa
Entered by: Nasima Sarwar
groundboom joran tanah
Entered by: yam2u
heavy thermal cracked pemecahan terma berat
Entered by: yam2u
komposite material bahan komposit
Entered by: Sophia Jusoff
metalliferous minerals mineral berlogam
Minor projectile effect hazard. Bahaya kesan projektil minor
N-Hexane may be present in concentrations up to 0.5 %(V/V). N-heksana mungkin hadir dalam kepekatan sehingga 0.5 %(v/v).
Entered by: Nasima Sarwar
N.O.S. NOS (Not Otherwise Specified/Nitrous Oxide Systems)
Entered by: yam2u
naked lights. (jangan dekati/terkena) lampu tidak bertudung
Entered by: yam2u
neat asphalt asfalt tidak cair; asfalt keras; asfalt batuan
Entered by: yam2u
Perceptible terdapat bau
precipitation chemistry kimia pemendakan
Entered by: Mohd Hamzah
Projection hazard bahaya unjuran
proprietary ingredients ramuan proprietari
Entered by: Sophia Jusoff
Reprotoxic Ketoksikan pembiakan
stenching agent agen bau busuk
still bottoms bahagian bawah penyuling
triaryl phosphates isopropylated triaril fosfat terisopropil
Entered by: yam2u
triisooctyl ester ester triisooktil
Entered by: Ramona Ali
white to off-white putih ke putih pudar
Entered by: yam2u
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