The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš indoneziečių į anglų Sertifikatai, diplomai, licencijos, gyvenimo aprašymai Translation Glossary

indoneziečių term anglų translation
(kepolisian) resort kota bandung Bandung Police precinct
ahli madya diploma
AJUN KOMISARIS POLISI Police Commissioner Adjutant
akademi teknik perkapalan marine engineering academy
akseptor KB Family planning acceptor
Entered by: Regi2006
akta kelahiran dispensasi dispensation birth certificate
analis muda senior senior associate analyst
asisten wedana bandung di jawa barat assistant to the district chief of Bandung District in West Java
Asli indigenous
Entered by: Regi2006
B. P. Peradilan court processing fee
bain shughra minor irrevocable divorce
bapak rumah tangga yang baik devoted head of [the] household/family
Berita Acara Sumpah Jurat of Affidavit
berkelakuan baik good conduct
berlaku untuk sekali pengurusan valid for single use only
Besi O I s/d IV O-Type Iron Poles No. I through IV
budaya lingkungan environmental culture
bukti pencapaian kompetensi proof of competencies
buku laporan hasil belajar siswa Student Term Report Book
cabutan dari dalam buku pendaftaran jiwa bagi bangsa tionghoa removal of name from register of Chinese nationals
cacat menurut jenis disability according to the type
Entered by: Regi2006
camat, lurah, rt, rw subdistrict head, urban village head, neighbourhood, hamlet
cap jempol kiri left thumbprint
Entered by: Regi2006
catatan akhir semester end of semester report
catatan sipil bangsa tionghoa Civil Registry for Chinese
CB/CM/TN/TR/TW/S Cacat Badan/Cacat Mental/Tunanetra/Tunarungu/Tunawicara/(Sakit) = Physically disabled/Mentally disabled/Blind/Deaf/Mute/Illness
cerai mati widowed and not remarried
d.i. Register
Daftar Dispensasi Kelahiran Catatan Sipil Civil registry birth certificate dispensation list
Entered by: Regi2006
daftar pemeriksaan verification register
Entered by: Regi2006
daftar penghasilan state revenue accounts form
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
daftar tambahan dispensasi supplemental register of dispensations
Entered by: Regi2006
dalam keadaan telah meninggal dunia. deceased
dan karenanya anak yang telah saya lahirkan menurut hukum and therefore, in accordance to the applicable laws and regulatios, the child
dari daftar pencatat sipil WNI keturunan cina from the civil registry for Indonesian Citizens of Chinese descent
Dd. Ybs. Dd. Ybs. (code for internal use)
dengan halangan yang sah due to other official duties
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
dengan sendirinya automatically
desa/kelurahan village/ward
Entered by: Regi2006
di-EBTA-kan dan di-EBTANAS-kan evaluated in the Local and National Final Exams
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