Browse links of Menas/Literatūra glossaries
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Fantastic for translators and scholars.. can compare versions and languages within seconds.. most sophisticated..
Le but de ce glossaire est de vous aider dans la description des livres
Sanat Terimleri S�zl�� / A Glossary of Art Terms
Eczac�ba�� Sanal M�ze |
Türkçe sanat terimleri; İngilizce karşılıkları; Türkçe ayrıntılı açıklama // Art terms in Turkish; English equivalents; detailed explanations in Turkish
Tekdilli Türkçe kadın argosu sözlüğü; çok kapsamlı ve güncel.
!!Dikkat!! *Ağır* argo ve açık saçık sözler içermektedir. İnciniyorsanız tıklamayın.
Animated and illustrated definitions of math terms for elementary school students.
University of Trier (Dictionary Projects) |
Hallo Muttersprachler, ich finde es sensationell, dass es das Grimmsche Wörterbuch jetzt im Internet gibt. Check it out, man! Hintergrund: Die Brüder Grimm, die gleichen, die auch das deutsche Volksgut mit ihren gesammelten Märchen so eindringlich beeinflusst haben, sind auch die Autoren des größten deutsch-deutschen Wörterbuches der deutschen Zung... View more
Irish Gaelic Proverbs
Island Ireland |
Proverbs are one of the most FAQ on the Gaelic Kudoz boards, here is a collection of the most popular proverbs and their English translations.
The meanings and origins of over 2,000 English sayings, phrases and idioms. There is a forum where you can discuss the meanings and origins of sayings or phrases with people.
Renaissance Dance
Renaissance Dance Website |
Contains Randle Cotgrave's Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues (1611) and Queen Anna's New World of Words (1611) in facsimile.
WordNet is an online lexical database for the English language. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. The most recent Windows version of WordNet is 2.1, released in March 2005. You can download it or use it online.
Terminology of jazz dance; basics, legs, falls, rolls, undulations, turns - pirouettes, jumps, other steps... A few have video clips.
Online Dictionary of Ballet Terminology
The American Ballet Theatre |
Among others, includes 170 terms (taken from the Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet by Dover Publications) demonstrated by ABT Company dancers (in Quicktime format).
Not just all major characters in many languages, but also lots of background info on each
Musical Glossary
The Austin Symphony |
Monolingual glossary of musical terms.
Diccionario de Arte
Museo de Arte Popular Jose Hernandez - Argentina |
Glossaire de Termes Techniques (en français) (secteur musique) relatif à amplificateurs/lecteurs/enceintes ...
Halk Dilinde Sa�l�k Deyi�leri S�zl��
Ulusal Gazeteler |
TDK Derleme Sözlüğü'nden derlemeyle Türkiye'nin bütün yörelerinden toplanmış otantik, folklorik, akla hayale sığmaz terimler: "Abanges"ten "Züyüt olmak"a kadar
Glossary of terms used in the children's stories. It is part of a site that posts a new children's story everyday. Portuguese and English versions available.
Dizionario dei Termini Cinematografici
Ente dello spettacolo |
An authoritative dictionary of movie terms
Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs
Cambridge Dictionaries on line |
English --> Spanish
Francisco Bricio |
English Spanish Dictionary with 24797 total words which are put in alphabetical order.
Spanish-English Internet Online Dictionary. Right now it contains 19,500 entries, less than 14,000 words, separated into several pages.
W�rterbuch Spanisch-Deutsch
Andreas Robertz |
Spanish-German general Dictionary with words put in alphabetical order.
Glosario de t�rminos period�sticos
Medios Digitales de COPESA |
Spanish monoligual on journalism with plain definitions of terms.
Danish dictionary over movie terminology
The National Film School of Denmark |
Hindi-English Bollywood Dictionary on Indian cinematography.
German monolingual with definitions on translating-interpreting in 2 parts (A - K, L - Z).
Dictionary for Aussie Lingo
Personal glossary |
A glossary of practical Aussie words and phrases.
Glossary of Stage Combat Terminology
Society of American Fight Directors |
This glossary of terms is used by special arrangement with the Society of American Fight Directors and might be helpful for movie and play translators.
Glosario de la moda
Aula Virtual |
Divan edebiyatında türler ve sanatlar üzerine örneklerle açıklamalar
Mitoloji Sözlüğü |
mitolojik terimler, yer ve kişi adları
Le fran�ais au Canada
private glossary |
Dans ce fichier PDF, 8 pages de terminologie sur la dégustation des types de Champagne
Glossary of Tibetan Buddhism |
Glossary of Tibetan Buddhism. Definitions of terms. English monolingual.
Dictionary of Cuban conversational speech and slang. Phraseological dictionary is promised. (Diccionario fraseólogico en proceso de creación)
An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Elizabeth Wallis Kraemer, Assistant Professor (Library at Oakland University, Rochester, MI) |