Browse links of Teisė (bendra) glossaries
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Online Legal English Urdu Lughat - NLPD Law Dictionary آن لائن قانونی انگریزی اُردو لُغت
National language promotion department of Pakistan ادارۂ فروغِ قومی زبان |
This lughat provides legal terms search by English and Urdu Input. اُردو زبان میں قانونی الفاظ، اصطلاحات و محاورات اور عہد حاضر کے قانونی تقاضوں سے بطریقِ احسن عہدہ برہ ہونے کے لیے ادارہ فروغ قومی زبان نے ماہرین قانون کے مشورے سے ہنری کیمبل کی مشہورِ زمانہ بلیکس لاء ڈکشنری کو بنیاد بنا کر ایک قانونی لغت تیار کی ہے۔ ہر چند یہ لغت بنیادی طور پر برطا... View more
The World Bank. English-Spanish and Spanish-English Glossary
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank |
This edition of the World Bank Glossary has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit of the Bank's Translation, Interpretation and Conference Services Division, in close collaboration with the English and Spanish Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using Spanis... View more
This glossary from the EBRD is created to help overcome communication difficulties between Russian-speaking and international business communities. The two-volume Project Finance Glossary is primarily of use to banks, law firms, potential investors, entrepreneurs, translators and interpreters, and academics. The glossary does not claim to be comp... View more
Legal Definitions Dictionary |
Dictionary of legal terms.
English-Chinese Glossary of Legal Terms |
English-Chinese Legal Glossary.
Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms
Collective of authors |
A Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms (The Glossary) (Planning Advisory Service Report 491/492), edited by Michael Davidson and Fay Dolnick, was just that — a collection of terms and words used in all aspects of planning, including land use, architecture, real estate, environment, law, science, economics, government, and engineering... View more
Русско-шведский и Шведско-Русский онлайн словарь.
Русско-казахский словарь |
В целях реализации Государственной программы развития функционирования языков в Республике Казахстан на 2011 -2020 годы, утвержденное Указом Президента Республики Казахсстан от 29 июня 2011 года №110 внедренное в интернет - пространство сайт «» является республиканской единой терминологической электронной базой терминов и слов, словосоч... View more
Banco de Vocabularios Jurídicos de Argentina
SAIJ, Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica |
El Banco de Vocabularios Jurídicos del SAIJ comprende diversas herramientas de gestión de la información como son las taxonomías, vocabularios controlados, conjuntos de conceptos, listas de términos jurídicos, tipologías del derecho, definiciones y denominaciones; que facilitan al usuario el conocimiento del derecho y difunden el pensamiento jurídi... View more
Glossar Migration, Flucht und Asyl
Neue deutsche Medienmacher |
Als Journalistinnen und Journalisten arbeiten wir jeden Tag mit unserem Handwerkszeug, der Sprache. Unsere Berichte sollten möglichst wertfrei, korrekt und präzise die Sachverhalte wiedergeben. Nicht selten passiert es aber, dass Wörter wie »Einwanderer«, »Zuwanderer« und »Migrant« im selben Text nebeneinander verwendet werden, in der Annahme, sie ... View more
Арабско-русский словарь. Баранов Х. К. Более 42 000 словарных статей, несколько тысяч иллюстративных примеров.: под ред. В. А. Костина. – Москва.: Издатель Валерий Костин, 2007 г. – 944 с.
Consult Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, The Chambers Thesaurus (1996) or Chambers Biographical Dictionary (1997 edition with amendments).
Glossario multilingue di italiano giuridico
Riccardo Massari (avvocato - | http://pluris-cedam.utetgiuridica.i...
Glossario multilingue di italiano giuridico / Multilingual glossary of Italian legal language / Glossaire multilingue d'italien juridique / Glosario multilingüe de italiano jurídico. 1 285 entries.
Уйгурско-русский, Русско-уйгурский словарь
Кибиров Ш., Цунвазо Ю. Илиев А., Дельцова Э., Молотов З., Айнабеков Т., Садвакасов Г. |
Уйгурско-русский, Русско-уйгурский словарь. Использованные источники -
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 3rd edition
James A. Ballentine |
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 3rd edition.
Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
Henry Campbell Black | is the most trusted free legal resource on the internet featuring professionally written legal definitions as well as the complete Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition. Henry Campbell Black published the first edition of Black's Law Dictionary over 100 years ago with the 1st edition in 1891. It has long been regarded the definiti... View more
Securities glossary
SecuritiesGlossary |
Glossary of securities terms. More than 800 terms.
Ungarisch-Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch
o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Köbler |
Jogi, ingatlan, kereskedelmi, biztosítási szakkifejezések
Финско-русский словарь
Пользователи |
Финско-русский онлайн словарь. Более 50 000 терминов (в обоих направлениях). Сайт пополняеттся пользователями.
Русско-финский словарь
Пользователи |
Русско-финский онлайн словарь. Более 50 000 терминов (в обоих направлениях). Сайт пополняеттся пользователями.
Терминологический словарь библиотекаря по социально-экономической тематике
Специалисты Российской национальной библиотеки |
Словарь содержит 2 900 статей. В связи с возникновением в России новых экономических и правовых отношений и, соответственно, новых экономических структур появилось большое количество новых терминов, а некоторые из известных ранее приобретают иной смысл. Основная задача терминологического словаря - содействовать пониманию, в основном, современных с... View more
EuroTermBank Terminology Search
Tilde, EuroTermBank Consortium |
101 local resources, 4 externally linked databases, 2.3M terms, 625 345 entries, 200 000 definitions, 27 languages The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the... View more
Slovník odporu
Student ZČU v Plzni |
Malý encyklopedický slovník výrazů, osobností a nazvů, které nějak souvisejí s anarchismem, komunismem, antifašismem, antikapitalismem a vůbec levicovou filosofií.
Legal Dictionary | http://dictionary.lawyers-and-laws....
Monoligual (English) Legal terms and definitions
Fastrad Glossário para Tradutores
Fastrad Traduções |
Glossário Inglês-Português-Inglês com 20,000 termos jurídicos, financeiros, técnicos e muito mais
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
A wonderful multi-lingual glossary of all kinds of governmental and business terminology, even som technical, taken from e.g. Norwegian courts, laws. etc. 135,000 terms. Special focus on EEA/EU matters.
norvegų (bokmal)
norvegų (nynorsk)
norvegų (bokmal)
norvegų (nynorsk)
Drunk Driving Legal Glossary
1.800.DUI.LAWS |
Definitions of legal terms about Driving Under the Influence.
English-Polish glossary of legal terms
Stanislaw Czech |
English-Polish glossary of legal terms is dictionary created by Polish translator Stanislaw Czech. The aim of this constantly developing glossary is to capture most important and useful expressions used in legal English and provide their Polish translations.
Nordisk e-Tax Dictionary
Nordic Council of Ministers and the tax administrations of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland |
Vocabulary regarding private tax matters, pairing equivalents in Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish at user's direction. No English entries.
Fachsprache Jura
Universität Regensburg |
Juristische Abkürzungen
Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Trenkler Rechtsanwalt Trenkler, Darmstadt |
Juristische Abkürzungen und die gebräuchliche Abkürzung in Rechtssprache und Bankwesen
Abkürzungen im Emissionshandel
avantTime Consulting GmbH, Tübingen | http://www.verbraucher-initiative.k...
Auch der Emissionshandel kommt nicht ohne Abkürzungen aus. Finden Sie hier die Begriffe, die sich dahinter verbergen.
Stanislav Natzev |
English->Bulgarian legal dictionary. Provides alphabetically sorted terms as well as a search engine. Caution: pop-up ads
English-Mien Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento |
English-Mien Legal Glossary
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 6
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 6
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 5
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento |
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 5