Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossar CD-Herstellung, DVD-Herstellung Hier finden Sie Erklärungen und technische Spezifikationen zur Herstellung von CDs und DVDs. Suche nach Buchstaben Bitte wählen Sie den Anfangsbuchstaben des von Ihnen gesuchten Begriffs.
A Free Dictionary with Definitions for Terms used by Lawyers, Law Firms and the Legal System in the US.
What is the definition of the word or noun, dictionary, well a short definition is simply - a reference publication, initially a book but now more commonly either on a CD/DVD or published on the web or internet, which contains a list o... View more
Begriffe und Abkuerzungen Video
Torsten Jaekel |
Video terminology, especially helpful on abbreviations
AV Encyclopaedia
The "Russian Game" trade company |
A useful audio/video glossary