Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Karate Terms & Translations
Bruce A. Brunger |
PDF file composed by Bruce A. Brunger with various terms of Karate, with focus on the Goju-Ryu style and pronunciations of Japanese (in this case, Romanji) terms.
Karate Terms & Translations
Bruce A. Brunger |
Compendium of terms utilized in Goju-Ryu Karate, complete with a very thorough pronunciation guide.
This page provides English-Japanese dictionary for English Speaking People. When we seek a Japanese word, we refer English-Japanese dictionary and then Japanese-English dictionary to confirm its meaning. Kanji character is major obstacle on the second process. Therefore, every Kanji character has its correspoinding Kana on this dictionary.
A comprehensive database that enables you to search for the Japanese term for a keyword in English, French, etc., the English definition of a Japanese keyword, and the reading of Japanese characters.
Unicode glossary |
Terminology used in relation to Internet standard Unicode