Translation Glossaries from the Web
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The Internet Movie Database's online film glossary. Here, you will find definitions of terms and phrases frequently used in the world of movies, film, acting, and cinema-going.
Movie Terminology Glossary
Imdb The Internet Movie Database |
Internet Movie Database's online film glossary with definitions of terms and phrases frequently used in the world of movies, film, acting, and cinema-going.
Dictionary of movie terminology
P. Giuseppe Vezzoli |
Dictionary of English/Italian movie terminology
film-making glossary
Dictionnaire des arts médiatiques
Groupe de recherche en arts médiatiques - Université du Québec à Montréal |
Ce dictionnaire électronique des arts médiatiques comporte plus de 2 000 entrées et 500 illustrations graphiques couvrant six domaines : copigraphie, holographie, infographie, multimédia (art cinétique, hypermédias, installations interactives, installations multimédias, performances, réalité virtuelle, robosculpture et télématisme), musique électro... View more
Il dizionario, organizzato in ordine alfabetico, comprende sia i termini in inglese che in italiano. Ogni termine inglese rimanda al corrispondente italiano. Ogni termine italiano contiene una spiegazione e le possibili traduzioni in inglese. Alphabetically listed glossary, including Italian and English terms. Each English term links to the ita... View more
Dizionario dei Termini Cinematografici
Ente dello spettacolo |
An authoritative dictionary of movie terms
Danish dictionary over movie terminology
The National Film School of Denmark |
Hindi-English Bollywood Dictionary on Indian cinematography.
Great information source on movies and TV series. Allows searches for title, actor or director. The TV series lexicon lets you search for original or German titles. The movie lexicon displays German titles along with the original title. Additionally, this site contains a glossary ("Kinolexikon")with most common cinema terms explained and a celebrit... View more
ITALIANO - INGLESE Contiene oltre 1700 voci tecniche e gergali relative al mondo del cinema. La descrizione tecnica di ogni termine è la peculiarità più rilevante di quest'opera e la rende particolarmente adatta ai professionisti del settore, oltre che al pubblico degli appassionati. Il presente dizionario, nel quale si condensa l'esperienza d... View more
terminos cinematograficos del español al inglés
Useful glossary (Português) about movie related terms used to shoot films and by scriptwriters, including several expressions which are not translated from english.
Movie& Film Glossary |
definitions of terms and phrases frequently used in the world of movies, film, acting, and cinemagoing
IMDb Film Glossary
International Movie Database |
The Internet Movie Database's online film glossary. Here, you will find definitions of terms and phrases frequently used in the world of movies, film, acting, and cinemagoing.