Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Spanish-English and English-Spanish (US English) Glossary of terms relating to mortgages, loans, real-estate sector
Business vocabulary |
Business, banking, export and import terms.
Mortgage Glossary
Bay Mortgage |
The mortgage world is full of terms that you hear every time someone discusses their mortgage transaction. "Did you pay points?" someone might ask. As you wonder "What's a point? Did I miss out on something?" "Who are Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac?" Here is a tool to help you find out.
This Business & Finance Multilingual Dictionary contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to business - from office practice to stock market and accounting terminology in English, German, French, and Russian. The dictionary covers the expanding and influential field of forex (foreign exchange), treasury, money and c... View more
Monolingual Financial Glossary
Microcredit and Microfinance Glossary
Global Development Research Center |
Glossary compiled from different sources; includes good explanations and some context.
Postsecondary Education |
Glossary of higher education and student financial aid terms, US English - Standard Spanish. "There are concepts represented in the glossary that are unique to the American higher education and financial aid systems. Therefore, invention and compromise were required at times when translating terms that describe concepts having no precise equival... View more