Translation Glossaries from the Web
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CV Glossary
This glossary contains all academic and work related terminology for building or translating a CV.
Knapp, Robbin D. (2005). "Robb: Invented English Words in German". In Retrieved {date} from This is a list of "English" words that were invented by German speakers, which are not used in the English language, that is, apparent loan words, pseudo-loanwords or pseudo-Anglicisms. Some o... View more
Le Dictionnaire de la Zone
Cobra Le Cynique |
Tout l'argot des banlieues
(1236 mots, 150 expressions)
Aujourd'hui la zone, pour beaucoup, est synonyme de ghetto, de violence, de jeunesse inculte et agressive, de rap et d'immigration. Au travers de son langage emprunté à l'argot classique, au verlan et diverses dialectes (européens, africains, antillais,…) la zone tente de s'inventer... View more
en français Les produits Ursa s'inscrivent dans une gamme complète de produits lubrifiants et de services offerts par ChevronTexaco Global Lubricants (Lubrifiants Mondiaux ChevronTexaco), une société en exploitation de ChevronTexaco Corporation. Site Web de ChevronTexaco Global Lubricants : Ces produits sont uti... View more
Le dictionnaire des mots moches |
C'est quoi, causer moche ? C'est parler comme le fait votre voisin, votre patron, le député local, le commentateur à la télé, le garagiste d'en face, votre psychanalyste, l'auteur de ce site dès la première phrase, et bien d'autres. C'est comme pour l'automobile : ce sont surtout les autres qui (se) conduisent mal. Et il y a bien des manières pour ... View more
Eine Liste von erfundenen englischen Wörtern, die wir deutschen so gerne benutzen (z.B. Handy, Bodybag) mit Erklärung und Beispielen
Glossary of Social Security Terminology
U.S. Social Security Administration |
Contains everyday words and expressions as well as technical Social Security terminology. Intended to promote uniformity in language usage and avoid misinterpretation of Spanish language materials issued by the Social Security Administration. Certain words may not be used everywhere. In some instances, words were "invented" and a compromise was mad... View more
The Buzzword Compliant Dictionary is dedicated to de-mystifying buzzwords. It defines "buzzword" as "a usually important sounding word or phrase used primarily to impress laypersons." This dictionary was created to help persons translate. Its definitions are educational and humorous as well. This dictionary is constantly evolving. As new buzzwor... View more
Acad�mie Clermont-Ferrand |
un cours de commerce
E-Business Glossary
Industry Canada |
Last Modified: 2003-08-23. Two unilingual, but parallel glossaries. Size: 1 page each. [2003-09-17] • technologie de l'information (TI), conception, cybercommerçant, cybermarchand, commerce électronique, vente en ligne, marchandisage, boutique, magasin
Retailing from A to Z, French-English Analytical Dictionary
Jeanne Dancette and Christophe R�thor� (translation professors) |
US & British English <> Canadian, French & Belgium French. 3 500 English and 3 500 French terms (1998). The dictionary is intended for translators, students, professors and professionals in the business world, as well as administrators of national and international agencies in both the public and private sectors. It offers them explanations, Englis... View more