Translation glossary: Religion

Showing entries 1-33 of 33
"أمر بالمعروف و نهي عن منكر"enjoining the good and forbidding the evil 
Arabic to English
ocean of unityبحر الوحدة (مصطلح صوفي)0 
English to Arabic
يكسو العاريprovide clothes for the needy 
English to Arabic
يمهل ولا يهملAllah gives respite, but never neglects 
Arabic to English
و حاجته ما قاتهhis need does not exceed nourishment/livelihood 
Arabic to English
مثواهم جهنمHell will be their abode 
Arabic to English
مثقال ذهباًMithqal of gold 
Arabic to English
أفراد الأمور و خواص الأشياءsingle/individual and special cases 
Arabic to English
أبلغ منMore general/generic than 
Arabic to English
إسباغ الوضوءPerfection of ablution 
Arabic to English
اليوم الآخرThe Last Day 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
المتألي على اللهthe one who swore/was swearing by Allah 
Arabic to English
الـدور والتسـلسلCircular reasoning and infinite regress 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
الإحصانProtecting chastity / Protecting the person from falling into obscenity/immorality/defence against immorality 
Arabic to English
الإصلاح بين الناسreconciliation among people 
Arabic to English
التعزيرDiscretionary punishment / penalty 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
الحكومة أو حكومة العدلEstimated compensation 
Arabic to English
الزي الشرعيShareeah compliant dress 
Arabic to English
الصفات السلبيةNegative Attributes 
Arabic to English
بالركبwith knees/ in spite of its crowdedness 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
تشميت العاطسinvoking Allah's mercy for the sneezer 
Arabic to English
حديقة اُنفungrazed garden 
Arabic to English
حسابهم على اللهtheir account is left to Allah 
Arabic to English
دينًاreligious matter/ obligation 
Arabic to English
دخل بها وعاشرها معاشرة الأزواجconsummated the marriage with her 
Arabic to English
راعي الكنيسةPastor 
Arabic to English
زلقات الجنانSlips/ mistakes of the heart 
Arabic to English
سقيا لmay Allah bless/ have mercy on 
Arabic to English
صدقة جاريةcontinuous charity 
Arabic to English
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