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anglų Lingvistika Translation Glossary

anglų term anglų translation
Loc. Ref - Local Reference Order Number..Locator Reference Order Number
Entered by: airmailrpl
looked into examined/reviewed/assessed/investigated/analysed/evaluated/checked/considered/studied
lucky them (grammar) lucky them (colloquial)
made of/made from made of = original material is not altered / made from = original material is altered into entirely different form.
marginal illumination shedding (a small amount of) light on the edges of the subject
marked us out Targeted us
Masculine equivalent of "the fairer sex" the stronger sex
master / king of escape master jailbreaker / master escapee
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
mastery It means having a thorough grasp of that discipline
maybe the kids are onto something maybe the children have a good idea
meaning to be diluted weaker, less forcefully
MIL/ FIL member/fellow of the institute of linguists
mimicing Incorrect spelling of "mimicking"
mock example "simulated", "false", or "sham" example
modern adverb: modernly (as in: modernly equipped)
Entered by: Nick Lingris
More importantly, Most importantly Yes, but . . .
more than inciting to emulation... not only encouraging us to do likewise...
more than one kid for the idiot factor ' least one of your kids is gonna be an idiot'!
MS Visio - how to pronounce "s"
much of the elite Correct usage- 'the elite' is a collective noun
much to their credit they deserved recognition and praise (for what they have done)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
must be - must have been I must have been drunk last night
nadim drinking companion
natural text Spontaneous language used in a natural setting
nature bestows with of the kind that is particularly frequent
near almost
new solutions to problems new ideas to solve existing problems
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
No way certainly not
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
noisy blazing Sunday noisy, sweltering Sunday
Entered by: Marcelo González
nonbosses bosses who don't act like a boss should
not only not only...................but also
not to mention vs let alone see explanation
noun, verb, adjective and adverb the parts of speech
nowadays today /currently
off not exactly on that street but very close
Entered by: Kornelia Longoria
omnivory or omnivorousness both omnivory and omnivorousness are valid words
once (adjective) Having been formerly; former
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
one off /one-off one-off, one-time
operational vs. operating operational / process
Ordinary mail in Britain i believe it's 'ordinary'- 'regular' in US
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