The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš rumunų į anglų Finansai (bendra) Translation Glossary

rumunų term anglų translation
Banca solicitantă Ordering bank / Requesting Bank
banci aflate in dificultate distressed banks
bancnote rebut unfit banknotes
bandă de scadenţă maturity band
bandă pozitivă positive track
baterea si circulatia monedelor cu si fara valoare integrala minting and flow of commodity money with or without intrinsic value
baza de calcul base
baza informationala information base
beneficiar real beneficial owner (context: transferuri financiare internaţionale)
bilant contabil balance sheet
bilet la ordin stipulat fără protest promissory note marked "no protest"
bilete de valoare bills, banknotes
Birou Unic One stop office/Sole office
bonificare bonus rate
bonificarea de dobanzi interest subsidy
Entered by: ANDA PENA RO
bonuri de consum de la magazie Supply/Material Requisition Form
bugetul de venituri si cheltuieli income and expenditure budget
Entered by: Mihaela Sinca
bugetul public naţional national public budget
C.U.I. Tax Identification Number / Employer Identification Number
ca urmare a devansării plasării as a result of expediting/bringing forward the placement (of overnight deposits)
calator clandestin free rider
Camera de Licenţiere Licensing Chamber / Office
camera de muncă Labour Chamber
canal bancar banking channel
canale conexe de legătură further connected channels
canibalizare cannibalization
capacitati capacitatile in unitati fizice si valorice capacity (expressed) in physical units and value
capete de stoc remaining inventory
capital de dotare endowment capital
capital de stat state-owned capital (assets)
capital permanent capital
capitaluri proprii shareholders' equity/owner's equity
Entered by: andreea irimia
care face obiectul tranzacţiei which is the object of transaction
casa centrala a cooperativelor de credit central house of the credit cooperatives
casa de circulatie vezi mai jos
casa de circulatie cash transactions total
casa de pariuri betting shop/agency
casa de valori safe deposit box/ safety depozit box
casa operationala cash (register) in operation/ operating cash
casierie retail banking cash office
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