The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš rumunų į anglų Laivai, navigacija, jūrininkystė Translation Glossary

rumunų term anglų translation
a lansa la apa to launch/to set a boat afloat
acvatoriu portual port waters
agenturare agency agreement
andocare docking
aprova trim by the head
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
apupa heeling bow, gripping
şalandă hidroclap Hydroclap barge
barele sistemului de distribuţie distribution system bars
Entered by: Irina Lazarescu
capacitate de manevră redusă restricted ability to maneuver
colonetă pedestal
corp hull
Entered by: Irina Lazarescu
cuplat prin linii de axe driving by shaft lines
Entered by: Irina Lazarescu
curbe de remorcă tow (towing) rails
Entered by: Irina-Maria Foray
dană de acostare berth
debarcare de personal de pe platforma employee's debarkation/ landing
deplasare la travers atwartship movement
Depozitul adiacent cordonului The warehouse adjacent to tier 2
detector Ex. cu barieră de protecţie explosion detector with protection insulation
Entered by: Irina Lazarescu
dig de sud south pier/dam
dispensă waiver
Școala de Aplicație a Forțelor Navale Naval Training School
front de asteptare waiting bay/waiting area
greifer clamshell, grabber
pompă frig (Starter) food supply freezing pump
Predare tehnică technical inspection
proba de înclinări tilt test
Entered by: Andrei Albu
profil platbandă cu bulb bulb flat(s)/flat steel with bulb
Entered by: Cristian Nicolaescu
promovat la bord promoted on board
remorcaj, remorcare Towage/Haulage/Towing
rezervă de deplasament reserve/spare displacement
rezistenţă la înaintare drag
Entered by: Andrei Albu
Saturare (steel) outfitting
Entered by: Irina Lazarescu
transmisie cu linii de axe driving/transmission by shaft lines
Entered by: Irina Lazarescu
tubulator naval marine pipe fitter
Entered by: Cristian Nicolaescu
tun de apă water cannon
vant din pupa good tailwind
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