The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš ispanų į anglų Valgių gaminimas / kulinarija Translation Glossary

ispanų term anglų translation
Al paladar on the palate
al pase in the pass / before serving
al plato serve (please see explanation)
Al rescate del dulce peruano: postres de ayer y hoy Rediscovering Peruvian xxx: desserts of today and yesteryear
al tomillo with thyme (cookery term)
albahaca basil
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
albardadas wrapped /covered with thin slices/strips of salmon ( See below)
albardado wrapped, coated
alcauciles Artichokes
algazul slenderleaf ice plant
Alimentación ecológica Organic food
Entered by: EirTranslations
alloza green almond
almíbar al 50% 50/50 syrup
almíbar de pelo heavy syrup
almejas a la marinera clams à la marinière
almejas al natural Clams au naturel
almendra anacardo cashew
Entered by: Simon Critchley
almendra con piel unblanched almonds
almendras fileteadas sliced almonds
almond porrusalda porrusalda (con almendras)
alpechin olive juice/alpechin
alta cocina con detalles de autor fine dining with a personal twist
alta gastronomia haute cuisine
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
alta pastelería haute patisserie
alta repostería gourmet desserts and pastries
Entered by: Lisa Dahlander
alubia vs haba vs judia beans (see below)
alveolado open crumb
alveolado airy/light
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
Amigo de los mestizajes “que cada uno considere oportuno” Big advocate of "whatever takes your fancy" fusions
Anacate Chanterelle
Analista en Servicios Gastronómicos Food Systems Analyst / Gastronomic Sciences Analyst
Entered by: Emiliano Pantoja
Anchoas al minuto Seared anchovies
anchoas embotadas, home-preserved anchovies
Entered by: patinba
Andrajos con bacalao Andrajos with cod
antojo de cecina cecina caprice, cecina fancy
Aperitivos en vivo Appetizers prepared live / show-cooked appetizers
aprobada en la DO Vinagre de Y y que certifica approved by Regulatory Board of the Denomination of Origin \"Vinagre de Jerez\" , which certifies
arenque herring
arma de progreso shot in the arm
armado assembly
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