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iš ispanų į anglų Medicina: kardiologija Translation Glossary

ispanų term anglų translation
adecuada resolución de las pruebas completing / fulfilling the tests acceptably
ADR adrenalin
AF cardiopatia Family history of heart disease
agotamiento de la reserva medular depletion of bone marrow reserves
agrastar Maybe Viagra, Starstat EZ combo (combination)
ahora está bien refiere he/she reports that he/she is now feeling well
AI,PP,VP,FE,T AI = Left atrium; PP+ posterior wall; VP: peak velocity; FE: Ejection Fraction; T : T wave (in EKG)
AIAR refractory acute unstable angina/acute refractory unstable angina
Entered by: liz askew
ajuste del flujo en la centrífuga by adjusting/modifying the centrifuge flow rate
ALB basal anterolateral
Entered by: liz askew
alimentados durante un mes con una dieta rica en colesterol al 1% fed for a month with a 1% cholesterol-rich diet
ALM mid-anterolateral
Entered by: liz askew
Alta reciente tras episodio de angor en reposo, modificándose tratamiento médico recent discharge after an episode of angina pectoris at rest, with modification of medical treatment
alteraciones hormonales, metabólicas y nutricionales hormonal, metabolic and nutritional changes / alterations
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
alteraciones parenquimatosas fibrocicatriciales parenchymatous changes with fibrosis
alteraciones segmentarias de la contractilidad wall motion abnormalities - WMA
alterna con alternating with; with
amnamnesis anamnesis / medical history
AN Nervous system/neurological
ANAST. PROX. anastomosis proximal / proximal anastomoses
análisis conjunto overall analysis
angina de esfuerzo tipica con test de esfuerzo negativo typical stress angina with a negative stress test
angiografía diagnóstica coronaria diagnostic coronary angiography
angiopatía cardíaca, periférica y cerebral Coronary artery disease / Peripheral vascular disease and cerebrovascular disease
angioplastía trasluminal coronaria percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
angioplastia angioplasty
Angiplastia programado por externo Angioplasty with outpatient follow-up
antiagregado platelet aggregation inhibitor
antiagregantes antiplatelet agents
anticoagulantes anticoagulants
AO 28mm AO (aorta)
aorta desenrollada aortic tortuosity/tortuosity of the aortic outline
Apéx en 5to EIC LMCI apex in 5th intercostal space, left midclavicular line
Entered by: wendy griswold
APTC laria primary PTCA
Entered by: liz askew
AQRS = +10°PF; Ap = +60ºPF; At = +50ºPF QRS axis; P axis; T axis; Frontal plane
Aquinesia akinesia
aquinesia de la punta akinesia of the apex/apical akinesia
aquinesia; acinesia akinesia
AR. MV lig dism en bases Respiratory System: Slightly decreased vesicular mumur (breath sounds) in bases
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