Raise the tide Tingkatkan gellombang kemakmuran
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Language pair: | iš anglų į indoneziečių |
Discipline: | Idiomos / aforizmai / posakiai |
Definition / notes: | A rising tide lifts all boats A phrase that is often attributed to John F. Kennedy. Kennedy used the phrase in a speech in 1963 to defend a dam project in Arkansas. The phrase means that when one section of society becomes more prosperous, it benefits other sections as well. |
URL: | https://www.google.com/search?q=raise+the+tide&sca_esv=0c814c2424608e41&rlz=1C1VDKB_enID958ID958&sxsrf=ADLYWIKXohjDxse17QBeYYdAohuTh8BpHg%3A1732329472 |
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