How to translate Transit packages with CafeTran - tutorial
Gijos autorius: CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
Sep 9, 2012


SDL XLIFF files can be handled swiftly in CafeTran. Perhaps one day CafeTran will be able to open SDL packages too.... See more

SDL XLIFF files can be handled swiftly in CafeTran. Perhaps one day CafeTran will be able to open SDL packages too.



But how about packages of that other CAT tool, Transit NXT?

While we are waiting for a Transit filter, you can use this work-around.

Here is an example package:

These are the steps you have to take:

1. Open the package as a zip folder.
2. Copy the target language file(s) to your working folder.
3. Open them with a Unicode editor.
4. Copy the file content to Word.
5. Save the document as .docx.
6. Make the document content hidden.
7. Perform 3 F/R actions:




You'll get this Word document:

8. Translate as a Word document in CafeTran:

9. Export.
10. Open in Word.
11. Copy the document content to the originating target language file and save.
12. Open the translated target language file in Transit:

You can record the F/R actions as a Word macro .


[Bearbeitet am 2012-09-09 09:20 GMT]

[Bearbeitet am 2012-09-09 11:50 GMT]

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
One step less Sep 10, 2012

Steps 3 and 4 can be reduced to one step:

Word:mac 2011, Preferences | Authoring and Proofing tools | General | Confirm conversion at open = Checked

Confirm import as Unicode LE.

[Bearbeitet am 2012-09-10 19:36 GMT]

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
Word for Windows can detect Unicode LE automatically Sep 11, 2012

If you're using the Windows version of Microsoft Word, the good thing is that this software obviously can recognize the specific Unicode version (UTF-16 LE) automatically. Handy for macros.


Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
iš suomių į prancūzų
Thanks for detailed Transit instructions! Sep 12, 2012

Hans Lenting wrote:
But how about packages of that other CAT tool, Transit NXT?

While we are waiting for a Transit filter, you can use this work-around.

Thanks a lot, Hans, for these detailed instructions! I've never been asked to translate Transit projects in my entire career so far, but it's good to know a workaround is available.

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
In Germany Transit is still pretty important. Sep 12, 2012

Dominique Pivard wrote:

Hans Lenting wrote:
But how about packages of that other CAT tool, Transit NXT?

While we are waiting for a Transit filter, you can use this work-around.

Thanks a lot, Hans, for these detailed instructions! I've never been asked to translate Transit projects in my entire career so far, but it's good to know a workaround is available.

That could be depending on your working languages: in Germany (especially in heavy industry) Transit is still very important.

BTW: Will you be at the BDÜ-Konferenz in Berlin? (STAR will be there )


Selcuk Akyuz
Selcuk Akyuz  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:14
iš anglų į turkų
+ ...
pretranslated files? Sep 13, 2012

Hi Hans,

What if the file was pretranslated with exact and fuzzy matches, any solutions for that?


CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
Perhaps via PlusToyz Sep 13, 2012

Selcuk Akyuz wrote:

Hi Hans,

What if the file was pretranslated with exact and fuzzy matches, any solutions for that?


Hi Selçuk,

You could have a look at the PlusToyz macro. I think the segment status attributes haven't changed since Transit XP. You'll probably need a HEX editor.

Please report back.



PS Rumour has it that CafeTran will offer a basic Transit filter in the not so far away future.

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
iš suomių į prancūzų
Transit in different countries Sep 14, 2012

Hans Lenting wrote:
That could be depending on your working languages: in Germany (especially in heavy industry) Transit is still very important.

Yes, that must be it. I don't work with German and haven't got clients in Germany. 99% of my clients are in Finland, and although Star does have their own office here, I've never worked for them.
Hans Lenting wrote:
BTW: Will you be at the BDÜ-Konferenz in Berlin? (STAR will be there )

No, I won't be at BDÜ. However, I've seen the Transit guys several times at SFÖ in Sweden.

Are you saying you now prefer translating Transit projects in CafeTran rather than in Transit?

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
Not yet possible Sep 14, 2012

Dominique Pivard wrote:

Are you saying you now prefer translating Transit projects in CafeTran rather than in Transit?

No I'm hoping that the filter will be available later this year. Then I'd like to do everything in CafeTran.

It has always been my principle to do everything in one CAT tool. Since development of Transit has stopped, I had to look for an alternative.

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
Expect some exciting news ... Sep 18, 2012


This is to inform you that some exciting news regarding Transit is coming soon.

Stay tuned,


[Bearbeitet am 2012-09-18 11:20 GMT]

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
iš suomių į prancūzų
exciting or exiting? Sep 18, 2012

Hans Lenting wrote:
This is to inform you that some exiting news regarding Transit is coming soon.

Do you mean the news are exciting, or Transit is exiting from the market?

You did say that "development of Transit has stopped", though I was not sure how to understand it.

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
Pardon my French ;) Sep 18, 2012

Oops ...

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Narys (2006)
There is now a Transit filter so the info in this thread no longer is relevant Sep 28, 2012

Please go to:


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How to translate Transit packages with CafeTran - tutorial

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