The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš rumunų į anglų Poezija ir literatūra Translation Glossary

rumunų term anglų translation
apa viermanoasa foul water
aplecare bow
avea de gand sa foloseasca orice mijloace was going to/intended to use any means necessary
Entered by: Claudia Coja
îi dădu de înteles că (vrea sa se ridice de pe canapea) he let her know (that he wanted to get up from the couch)
îi făcuse de rușinea satului She brought shame/embarrassment on her parents
Entered by: Lara Barnett
îl legă neglijent cu cordonul tied it casually with the belt
în voia inimii to my heart's content
îs spuse din priviri (să le lase puțin singure) Her look told them to leave them/her alone for a while.
Entered by: Lara Barnett
batand mai curand spre temeritate rather verging on audacity
bătând cu toiagul pământul tapping the ground with his cane/stick
bec lamp
Blagorodnicia voastra Your Grace
buclele acelea razlete de par,( ce nu voiau sa stea in rand cu celalte) Even her flyaway curls (that refused to fall into place like/with the others.)
Entered by: Lara Barnett
ca din povesti like in fairytales
Entered by: Lara Barnett
ca să-și doreasca să so that he may start to wish to
cadrul banco-miștocăresc jeer(-)bantering spirit/disposition
Entered by: Simona Pop
Calare pe doua veacuri Bestriding Two Centuries
Calea robilor Silvery River
Entered by: Cristian Brinza
Caralii hacks
Caru' cu bere The Beer Dray
Cata-ti de treaba get serious
Câtă diversitate și culoare! Such variety / diversity and colour!
că nu el era cel care trebuia să caute... that he was not the one who should seek
cămăraş Chamberlain
ce nu lăsa loc de comentarii which left no room for comments/objections
certidudinea sensibila sensory certitude
certificat de rezidenta fiscala certificate of fiscal residence
Cine împarte, parte-şi face There goes the lion's share...
Cinstitule şi credincios boierule al Domniei mele my good and loyal boyar
ciolan jackpot
ciuca bătăilor eternal loser, flat-out loser
Coborând ușor din sprâncene Lowering slightly his/her eyebrows
consonant sau disonant cu in and out of synchrony
Entered by: Simona Pop
creneluri battlements
cu fiecare respiratie tot mai profunda with each deeper breath
cu masa pusă with the table laid
Entered by: Lara Barnett
cu mic, cu mare young and old
cu o atitudine supusa, dar cu o față de om distrus. with a submissive attitude, but with the look of a broken man.
Entered by: Lara Barnett
cum te-ai afisat la palat cu femei ordinare showing up at the palace with all sorts of low-born females/women
D'apai, dom' doctor Oh my, Doc, Sir, I reckon a couple of me cattle ...
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