The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš rumunų į anglų Poezija ir literatūra Translation Glossary

rumunų term anglų translation
daca ar mai fi pierdut o sarcina if Karla were to have miscarried
Entered by: Lara Barnett
daca te-ai fript o data, sufli si in iaurt alte variante
dar spus atat de direct... but put it so bluntly...
dăduse bice pânzelor had spurred the sails/unfurled the sails under the wind
de a fi de folos unei semene de-a lui of being helpful to a peer/to a fellow of his
de cele mai multe ori vezi explicatia
deasupra purta o haina larga cu gluga He was wearing on top a loose hooded cloak/coat
descantec de alb si negru Incantation of White and Black
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naționale a României Description of CIP (program) of the National Library of Romania
dincolo de dorintele corpului fizic sau de cele ale mintii beyond the desires of the physical body or those of the mind
domnisoare de conditie well-off girls
drama separarii dintre credinta si ratiune The drama of the separation of faith and reason
droaie bunch
dupa legile pamantesti according to earthly law
După cutele de pe fruntea lui Judging by the furrows on/in his forehead
Entered by: Claudia Coja
ecoul mă îngînă zburînd pe lîngă urechile mele pe stradă vezi mai jos
ediţie îngrijită de .... edition supervised by ...
estomparea sacrului în profan the fading of the sacred into the profane
evolueaza si inalta glas eroii piesei the heroes of the play perform and give voice
excesele spre care ai tendinte except give in to your tendency to food cravings
Entered by: Lara Barnett
Fartitie whim
fată de cartier homegirl, one who can get down and dirty (si mai argotic)
fiţos/ fiţoasă capricious, unreasonable, fickle, temperamental, spoiled person who puts on petty airs and graces
Florii Palm Sunday
fundul pamantului(Modern Romanian)/baierile pamantului (19th c. Romanian) the ends of the earth
gand la gand cu bucurie great minds think alike
gubernie province/gubernya
iar lacrimile să-l înnobilizeze ...and could appear so beautifully ennobled by his tears.
Entered by: Lara Barnett
iesire la rampa stepping into the limelight
ii ceruse corpul acestuia. as his body required
ii pierise somnul her sleepiness/drowsiness vanished
il cuprinsese duiosia was overcome by a feeling of melancholy/to be seized by/fall into
impletirea cununilor twisting of (head) wreaths
In ricoseu Being deflected, etc.
in timpul din urmă lately/recently
incetatenit in rephrase
indreptatire justification
inflorit fluffy
inghesuind-o cu trupul lui mare crushing her with his enormous body
Io, Stefan Stefan, God\'s anointed,
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