The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš ispanų į anglų Tarptautinės organizacijos / vystymas / bendradarbiavimas Translation Glossary

ispanų term anglų translation
instrumentos de justicia propia others are instruments of vigilante justice
integración del expediente del acreditado opening the borrower's file
integrador, focalizador y alineador integrate, align and give focus to
integren a las familias en una perspectiva de desarrollo set families firmly on the path to development / developing
intencionar con mayor énfasis place greater emphasis on encouraging / promoting
intercambio (Social) exchange / Sharing
interiorización en las revisiones the incorporation thereof into any revsions that are made
involucramiento en tareas que generan sustento involvement in activities to secure family sustenance
ir a las cosas mismas to deal with the core issues; to get to the heart of the matter
ir descontruyendo el rol productivo [gradually] deconstruct the role of breadwinner
Jefe Servicio de Libertad Sindical Chief of the Freedom of Association Branch
la curva dura the long and difficult learning curve
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
La experiencia por si misma no basta para determinar... Experience alone is not enough to determine (/decide)...
la independencia de Sudán Sur respecto de Sud Southern Sudan's independence from Sudan
la propuesta estaba altisima the proposal was overly ambitious
lanzar la convocatoria del Foro to formally announce the launch of the Forum
las 4D the 4D
Entered by: Mattia Gallo
líneas de trabajo lines of work
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
líneas transversales transversal /interdisciplinary lines (of action)
le falto comprarse el pleito failed to take responsibility for / get involved in the problem
legalización económica ( euphemism for laundering etc. )
lenguaje de etnia local local jargon
les ha permitido un reconocimiento desde has given them recognition in
levantar indicadores find | identify quality indicators
liderazgo de relevo next generation of leaders
liquidacion de fondos payment of funds
Liquidaciones Financieras Financial Settlements
lo pública and, since it is (was) a public matter,
lo que suma y no lo que resta what works and what doesn't
Entered by: AllegroTrans
logran ubicar managing to place
lograr el trabajo armonizado achieve a coordinated effort
lograr la apropiación ensuring (securing the) adoption
lograr su apropiación ensure they adopt
logró acercar más la experiencia brought the experience closer to the poor.
logre permear [See below.]
los relatos de ciudades protagonistas reports from participating cities
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
los tiempos... son de mediano plazo the time frame (for achieving critical...) is mid term
los tratados de los cuales son parte treaties to which they are party; treaties they have signed; treaties to which they are signatories
los vecinos organizados en su unidad territorial residents organized by territorial unit; residents organized by neighborhood
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
luciano Luciano is a place
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