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iš ispanų į anglų Medicina: kardiologija Translation Glossary

ispanų term anglų translation
a la legada FA con respuesta V atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response on arrival
GEA AGE (Acute gastroenteritis)
genotipo ahorrador del efecto anabólico de la insulina Thrifty genotype
imágenes hiperdensas serpiginosas difusas diffuse serpiginous hyperdense images
linfocitos T de memoria productores de IFN-γ específicos para IFN-γ-/interferon-gamma-producing memory T lymphocytes/cells specific for T[rypsanoma] cruzi
lo que equivale a un área de necrosis del 20% del tamaño del septum which is the equivalent to an area of necrosis comprising 20% of the septum
Entered by: liz askew
oclusion de CX media con lecho distal de fino calibre occlusion of the mid portion of the Circumflex Artery
resalto o escalón por encima de la válvula mitral [a slight..] protruding section/piece/protrusion above the mitral valve
Entered by: liz askew
Septum IV (Df, S) IVSd (end-diastolic interventricular septum thickness)
Entered by: sandra carrazzoni
sesgo de mayor precocidad clear bias towards much earlier...
Entered by: liz askew
territorio anterior extenso extensive anterior subendocardial ischaemia [lesion]
"dolor con CI" pain with IC
"realizar viabilidad miocardica" to determine miocardial performance
Entered by: Jorge Arteaga M.D.
"válvula aórtica con velos finos" aortic valve with thin flaps (leaflets)
(Anti liblla) --> Anti IIb IIIA platelet GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors
(PF or PE) negativa para isquemia a 7 mets (PE = prueba de esfuerzo) exercise stress test negative for ischemia at 7 mets
**BIRIHH** y **qRDIII** ILBBB and qR in lead III
Entered by: liz askew
... (Df, Sf, D) diastolic flow, systolic flow, dimension
Entered by: sandra carrazzoni
... afectando al origen de un gran tronco septal third proximal branch of the LAD which is compromising the root of a large septal trunk.
Entered by: Karina Pelech
....compromete la luz en un 60% compromises the lumen by 60%
1 masticada con la comida de medio día 1 chewable tablet with midday meal
1ª Dx 1st diagonal branch (artery)
Entered by: Krys Williams
3-10% de la masa del ventrículo izquierdo 3-10% of the left ventricular mass
401.9 A 401.9A = código de hipertensión esencial no especificada//401.9 unspecified essential hypertension
7 salvas (autolimitadas) 7 self-limited bursts of...
A la inclusión On inclusion/At the beginning (of the study)
a patron de consistent with // indicative of
AA anterior approach (re catheter)
abd soft depressible abdomen
Entered by: Janet Ross Snyder
Abdomen anodino Abdomen: NAD/normal
Entered by: liz askew
ABEH appears to be well hydrated
ablación ablation
AC RS CS RS Cardiac auscultation - rhytmic heart sounds
AC x FA crónica chronic cardiac arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation)
Ac. Frac. - P.Post AC Fraction-Post P
AC: RCR. RC: hipofonesis global con espiración alargada. Heart auscultation: regular heart rhythm/regular heart sounds/Decreased breath sounds with prolonged espiration
Académico numerario Permanent Academician
ACI and ACC internal carotid artery (ICA) and common carotid artery (CCA)
Act. Prot. 69% prothrombin activity 69%
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