The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš ispanų į anglų Poezija ir literatūra Translation Glossary

ispanų term anglų translation
A poem by Byron it is an excerpt or fragment from The corsair - canto to the first
Entered by: BristolTEc
a tientas to grope along / to fumble
A un pecho villano no hay cosa que no le parezca que hará, y al fin no hace nada To the villein's heart no objective appears impossible though in the end, it will achieve nothing
abanico de un tiempo pretérito spectrum of a bygone era/bygone times/days
abarcadura time span/period
Entered by: Marie Wilson
abducida nutter/ loony
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
abrazar con carino hug with love/affection.
abrir sus puertas expand their horizons /spread their wings
abrirse camino make/push their way through | people give/make way
acabado por advertir eventually made out, eventually came to see
aceceo puffing and panting
ACLARATORIA literary detours, drifting, rambling; grasping for words
acobijar to shroud
acogedor resplandor comforting glow
Entered by: EirTranslations
Acontece (ver frase entera) comes into being every day
acriollado like a true Argentine
actitud voice
activarse un maleficio trigger a curse/hex
active espectator (theater) (teatro) de espectador activo
acto público literario public literary event
acuñar me acuño => made me what I am; (if typo) me acunó => cradled me, nurtured me
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
acuoso del cerebro in the waters of the mind
ademán probatorio assertive pose/posture
Entered by: Diane Kenyon
adivinar la hora No idea what time it was
Entered by: Silvana Cecotto
Administrador del timbre Stamp tax administrator [collector]
agarraíta de la mano holding hands tightly
Agradezco a la Madre Tierra por habitar bajo su morada Thanks to Mother Earth for providing me with refuge
agrupados y glosados collected and annotated
agua arena water (and) sand
agua mona, agualoja I put on my pants a leg at the time, like everyone else.
aguardiente liquor, brandy
Ahi tiene Here you are
Ahogadas por el embozo de la hora Obscured by the darkness of night
Ahora sí, sonríe now, at last, she smiles
ahuyentar polillas to ward off
ajúa yahoo/yeehaw/yippee!
Entered by: Edward Tully
Al andar se hace camino... By walking, you make the path before you...
Al buen comer llaman Sancho Good eating, thy name is Sancho
al compás de la espera watching and waiting
Entered by: Edward Tully
al decir de la crítica in the words of the critics; according to the critics
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
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