The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš ispanų į anglų Poezija ir literatūra Translation Glossary

ispanų term anglų translation
Al llegar el bautizo se oyó en la plaza vocerío de niños, voices of children could be heard in the plaza(as usually) as the christening party arrived.
al principio universal del eterno retorno to the universal principle of eternal return
Entered by: sandra carrazzoni
al que le caiga el sayo, que se lo ponga if the shoe fits, wear it
al que parecía que le hacían todos los honores to which it appeared they were paying homage
Entered by: Marcelo González
al que se puso tierra was thrown out
ala imprecisa tejida con a shadowy wing woven out of
alamud (square) bolt, iron bar
Alí Babá consiguió salir de su encierro, y fue en busca de su mujer, Ali Baba escaping his confinement, went in search of his wife,
Alba de los caminos Dawn on the Road
Alegrar el gaznate to wet one's whistle
alfombra carpet
Algo tiene el agua cuando la bendicen there must be something about him/her (person); there must be something in it (thing)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
almácigo de lechugas lettuce patch
Entered by: Lynda Tharratt
altilocuencia grandiloquence
alucinante prodigious/fantastical/surreal/wondrous
Amainar when the rain let up/abated/died down
Amantes (in this context) Worshipper(s)
Amantinas Lover Girls
amé cuanto ellas puedan tener de hospitalario I loved every nook in them that gave me shelter
Ambos yoes necesitan ser diferenciados selves // presentations of the self // personas
Amistad a lo largo Friendship over Time
Entered by: Mariana Solanet
Amor miom al cerrar esta puerta nocturna te pido I ask of you, my love, as I close this nocturnal door.....
amor, un viaje por oscuro recinto love, a journey through a dark quarter
andar going about
animalako beast
Entered by: EirTranslations
ante el regocijo casi infantil de los asistentes to the childlike delight of those present/audience/public
anteojos de hombre rana frogman goggles
Antes de emprender su camino a la tierra. before setting out/forth on her journey to the earth
anticipar the Gods applied/used in anticipation to dance
antifaz (de un zapato) vamp or upper
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
Anunciación Annunciation
anuncio del futuro glimpse of the future
apartar take away, leave
Apenas un amago barely perceptible / fleeting gesture/poor effort/vain attempt
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
apláudame Cheer for me
aporías arrogantes arrogant contradictions/paradoxes
apostilla remark
apreciar vital gut feeling
apropiación del paisaje appropriation of the landscape.
Aprovéchalo Go for it!
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