The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš ispanų į anglų Poezija ir literatūra Translation Glossary

ispanų term anglų translation
botas de traidora Betrayer's boots
Entered by: patinba
botánicas ... santería, ni collares herb shops...voodoo, nor necklaces
botón de las rueda axis/hub of the wheel; pivotal point
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
bote y tapa jar and lid
brillantes a flor de piel dripping with diamonds/oozing diamonds (from every pore)
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
Broche de oro gold clasp
brotaban gritos de pelo tironeado and the bursts of screaming/shrieking as the hair was pulled//ripped/torn out
brutalmente dramatically
buenas nalgas See explanation.
buenista do-gooder
burruño / gurruño a shrivelled-up little thing
buscarle tres patas al gato split hairs
caballerizo equerry
caballito de batalla workhorse
caballo horses (commodities)
cabecita de novia moonstruck / in a daze
cabizbajos with their heads down
Cabo de guardia Corporal of the guard
cabriteando skidding/skipping
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
cabro (2x) child
cabrona bitch
cacaxtle wooden pack frame
Cada equis tiempo Every once in a while
Entered by: Edward Tully
caer chuzos to bucket down/pelt down/pelt rain
caer del alambre fall off the highwire
Entered by: Simon Bruni
cajero (in this context) Afro-Peruvian Percussion box player
calas examinations/explorations/analyses
calchear, deshojar maizales thinning out/weeding/streep the leaves off individual cobs
caleta small bay
callejeos dawdling
Calma chicha Dead calm
camastrón humbug
Entered by: Simon Bruni
camándula y sonrisa rosaries and smiles
CAMIONETA in PERU/MIAMI station wagon/pick-up truck
campeón de catch catch wrestling champion
canto del puñal dull side of the knife/dagger
Capigorrón Vagabond; wanderer, or leave as Capigorrón with an explanation (see notes)
capote rosa pink cape
característica que mostró siempre en su trabajo a trait/characteristic that he always showed/demonstrated in his work
caracteristicas mas acusadas y recias most distinct and robust characteristics/features
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