The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš rumunų į anglų Kita Translation Glossary

rumunų term anglų translation
serviciu de preluare a apelurilor answering service
serviciul P.I.S. HR Department
Serviciul prestatii sociale pentru persoane cu handicap Department of Social Services for Individuals with Disabilities
serviciul public administrarea patrimoniului local si utilitatii local council housing and utilities department
SIA lipomatos strip immunoassay lipomatous/characterized by the presence of a lipoma
sigla logo
Sistem de detectare a efractiilor break-in alarm system
sita serigrafica serigraphic screen
sortit eşecului doomed to fail
spaga bribe
spatiu de acces access area
spatiu de folosinta comuna shared premises
specialitate speciality
Entered by: Andrei Albu
sputa sputum
Stat Major general staff
stetacustic stethacoustic
strix control (functie de) protectie contra supraincalizirii si contra mediului uscat
sub sancţiunea excluderii din procedură under penalty of exclusion from award procedure
sub sanctiunea nulitatii according to/under the nullity sanction
sub-domeniu subject field
subjude assistant judge
subscrisa undersigned
subunitar expenses exceeed income/less than an unit
suprasolicitat overstretched
TC coronary thrombosis
teaca sheath
teren intravilan land within the built-up area
terenuri deţinute în proprietate lands in ownership
terminatii specifice specific ends
timpi morti downtimes/waiting times
traducere in extras excerpt
tragere drawing
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
tragere la sorti drawing (of) lots
transcription: minutes: 5:50 - 5:55 transcription (see description below)
transfer in interes de serviciu Transfer for business purpose/purposes
transmitere cu titlu universal transfer by universal title
transport periurban periurban transportation
transportul in comun mass transportation; shared transportation; pooled transportation
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
transportul public urban de calatori urban public passenger transportation
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
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