The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

iš rumunų į anglų Kita Translation Glossary

rumunų term anglų translation
ICT cardiothoracic index (CT index)
ieşire (registru) outgoing / sent (issued)
imagine de ţară the image of the country; country's image
imunodeprimat low immune function/weakened immune system
in exerga in exergue
in regim de urgenta emergency pick-up
inadins on purpose
incercari times of hardship
inginer ofertare bid engineer
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
Inspectia de Stat pentru controlul cazanelor, recipientelor sub presiune si a instalatiilor de ridicat State Inspection for the Control of Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Hoisting Equipment
Institutia de invatamant superior absolvita completed higher education studies/completed post secondary studies
insusire aplicatii pentru calcule acquiring computing applications
intercomunicatii de bord intercom
interzis judecatoresc interdict
intreprindere locativa state housing agency
judecător sindic syndic judge
la gard production/standard price
leaganul pentru copii orphanage
legată în fier reinforced with iron; iron-braced
legitimatie de serviciu staff ID card
linie abătută branch line/secondary line/ shunt line
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
luare in posesie taking posession of a lease/ coming into posession of a lease
margine the (acute) margin
masă credală creditors/ creditor's group
masă de manevră marionettes
Maseur de intretinere si relaxare (health and wellness) massage therapist
material rulant rolling stock
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
metoda elementului finit Finite element method/analysis
Ministerul Muncii, Solidaritatii Sociale si Familiei Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
modul termic Thermal module
monitorul oficial offical gazette
mufa de joncţiune termo-retractabilă heat shrinkable connecting sleeve
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
muzeograf II (museum) curator
neasigurare la efectuarea depasirii imprudent overtaking
normalist, cu titlu provizoriu normal-school teacher, on a temporary basis
normative valorice de cheltuieli (rules re.) expense limits
notar stagiar trainee notary
nu se lasa totusi coplesita that still won't let themselves overwhelmed
numar de identificare profesionala (R.U.) Professional Identification Number
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