Puslapiai temoje: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] > | Off topic: Question about TV show "The Water Margin" (水滸傳) Gijos autorius: Olaf (X)
| nigerose Kinija Local time: 00:25 iš kinų į anglų + ... 山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象。的含义 | Mar 24, 2009 |
Landscapes: 山舞银蛇 What does it mean? (and is 原 highlands or plains?)
So you can see which translation is wrong.
[修改时间: 2009-03-24 02:47 GMT] | | | 《文心雕龙》"The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons" | Mar 24, 2009 |
《文心雕龙》"The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons":
[ Refer... See more | | | “山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象”;waxen/wax-hued elephants | Mar 24, 2009 |
nigerose wrote:
Landscapes: 山舞银蛇 What does it mean? (and is 原 highlands or plains?)
So you can see which translation is wrong. [修改时间: 2009-03-24 02:47 GMT]
其中最具代表性的是周振甫的《毛泽东诗词欣赏》,他这样解读“原驰蜡象”:“秦晋高原,盖着雪的丘陵,一个接着一个,像一只只白象在奔跑。”... 但问题是:作者何以想到用“蜡象”来形容覆雪的群山呢?
沁园春·雪》之“原驰蜡象”新解 江合友
[Edited at 2009-03-24 07:12 GMT] | | | nigerose Kinija Local time: 00:25 iš kinų į anglų + ...
hi, Lesley,我不是很懂诗词。但不要用你农业专家的思维来思考具体是指颜色还是材料,当作一个整体来想象吧。
[修改时间: 2009-03-25 04:31 GMT] | |
reptiles, etc; 成语 4-character sayings about the sun | Mar 25, 2009 |
@ nigerose 那, 银、蜡 -》silver, waxen 应该就行了吧。
据说中国,‘两栖类约有二百种;爬行类约有三百种。’Apparently, China has 'around two hundred types of amphibian and around three hundred types of reptile.' (《祖国》,中国青年出版社,1983)这么一写可以意识到在世界上应该算比较多,但实际上多不多我还不知道。另外,在这里amphibian/reptile 加‘s'可不可以。本人觉得更顺口一点。
wherestip wrote:
lai an wrote:
第一章 具茨山 龙首迎日
My translation:
Chapter One Juci Mountain Longshou Greets the Sun
Excellent translation, Lesley.
[Edited at 2009-03-24 11:10 GMT]
wherestip, thank you very much! 关于"龙首迎日",我是使用“后羿射日”Hou Yi Shoots the Suns、“夸父追日”Kua Fu Chases the Sun 来做模范的。[ English translations here:
Did you see 加了一条‘游龙’在 敦煌,月牙泉?http://www.proz.com/forum/chinese/129977-question_about_tv_show_the_water_margin_水滸傳-page2.html#1087874
音乐:另外,估计大家听说过 Crocodile Rock, 但是也有一首Eagle Rock值得提 ...
关于聂耳的民族音乐,除了《金蛇狂舞》以外还有《翠湖春晓》: http://music.guqu.net/hezou/3085.html
在线欣赏一(上海电信线路) | 在线欣赏二(广东电信线路) | 在线欣赏三(网通线路)
[Edited at 2009-03-26 03:12 GMT] | | | Classes of legend; 'Kua Fu Chases the Sun' remaking nature; 'Hou Yi Shoots the Suns' work-ways | Mar 26, 2009 |
The marvellous and multifaceted ancient myths and legends
The stories use visualisation, mysterious and wonderful, strong and magnificent, to reflect the rich and colourful historical content of the Chinese society of remote antiquity. Amongst them are:
those which express a firm and tenacious will to remake nature, such as "Yugong Yishan" and "Kuafu Zhuiri";
those which reflect great strength in subjugating nature, such as "Nüwa Butian"... See more The marvellous and multifaceted ancient myths and legends
The stories use visualisation, mysterious and wonderful, strong and magnificent, to reflect the rich and colourful historical content of the Chinese society of remote antiquity. Amongst them are:
those which express a firm and tenacious will to remake nature, such as "Yugong Yishan" and "Kuafu Zhuiri";
those which reflect great strength in subjugating nature, such as "Nüwa Butian" and "Pangu Kai Tiandi";
those which show a spirit which would rather die than give up, such as "Jingwei Tianhai" and "Xingtian Wuganqi";
those which sing the praises of working for the good of the people and of willing self-sacrifice, such as "Gun Yu Zhishui" and "Shennong Changyao",
those which portray romantic love, such as "Niulang Zhinü", and so on.
These beautiful, moving legends reflect people's explanations of natural phenomena, but even more, they show people drawing strength from their imagination in their desire to conquer nature.
In the midst of magical fantasy, the two stories "Houyi Sheri" and "Nüwa Butian" also mentioned work-ways - the art of smelting rock, and eulogised a means of work - the marvel of the bow and arrow. Mankind's real life was expressed in romantic visualisation, and it shows us that the basis for China's ancient legends, generally speaking, was real.
Translated from Wang Yong Kuan et al., Native land, China Youth Press, Beijing, 1983
[Edited at 2009-03-26 07:51 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | nigerose Kinija Local time: 00:25 iš kinų į anglų + ...
lai an wrote:
@ nigerose 那, 银、蜡 -》silver, waxen 应该就行了吧。
据说中国,‘两栖类约有二百种;爬行类约有三百种。’Apparently, China has 'around two hundred types of amphibian and around three hundred types of reptile.' (《祖国》,中国青年出版社,1983)这么一写可以意识到在世界上应该算比较多,但实际上多不多我还不知道。另外,在这里amphibian/reptile 加‘s'可不可以。本人觉得更顺口一点。
至于amphibian 和reptile,当作类属名词,应该可以不用加s。但加s的情况比较多。
Oh,my god,这个问题我应该反问你这个native才对。 | | | wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 10:25 iš kinų į anglų + ...
lai an wrote:
Then, in later generations, many of the sightseers who came here wrote poems describing how the Crescent Moon Spring gave rise to the heavenly horse, "On all four sides wind and sand a flying wild horse, in the deep pool clouds and reflections a fantastical frolicking dragon". This meant that the unusual scenery of the Crescent Moon Spring gained yet another legendary colouring.
Translated from Duan, Qi & Li eds., Gansu Tourist Guide (1982), China Tourism Publishing House, Beijing
'一潭云影幻游龙 in the deep pool clouds and reflections a fantastical frolicking dragon' 怎么样?
I'm sorry, Lesley. I somehow missed this section of your previous post.
But I think "fantastical frolicking dragon" is an excellent choice of words for the term 游龙. Not only is it descriptive, but it also captures the essense and the beauty of the poem.
[Edited at 2009-03-26 11:41 GMT] | |
wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 10:25 iš kinų į anglų + ...
nigerose wrote:
lai an wrote:
@ nigerose 那, 银、蜡 -》silver, waxen 应该就行了吧。
据说中国,‘两栖类约有二百种;爬行类约有三百种。’Apparently, China has 'around two hundred types of amphibian and around three hundred types of reptile.' (《祖国》,中国青年出版社,1983)这么一写可以意识到在世界上应该算比较多,但实际上多不多我还不知道。另外,在这里amphibian/reptile 加‘s'可不可以。本人觉得更顺口一点。
至于amphibian 和reptile,当作类属名词,应该可以不用加s。但加s的情况比较多。
Oh,my god,这个问题我应该反问你这个native才对。
Yep. "three hundred types of reptiles" definitely sounds better. | | | pkchan Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 11:25 Narys (2006) iš anglų į kinų + ...
慕宏 2005-5-10 19:46
比如“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高”中的“原驰蜡象”,竟不知该如何理解。查了几个诠释毛主席诗词的版本,大致解作“在白雪覆盖之下,群山蜿蜒,恰如银�... See more 慕宏 2005-5-10 19:46
疑团既解,不觉哂然,这“原驰蜡象”若于陕西人也许就如常识一般地明白,而于我这江南生长的人却根本无感性认识基础,便奇怪了那么多年。www.hlmbbs.com/forum/archiver/?tid-136.html ▲ Collapse | | | ysun Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 10:25 iš anglų į kinų + ...
《沁园春·雪》是毛泽东当年在陕西延长县即兴创作的。相必你也一定见过“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象”的景象吧? | | | wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 10:25 iš kinų į anglų + ...
ysun wrote:
Oh, indeed there were some spectacular views when it snowed. We usually stayed indoors when it snowed heavily, so it made it that much more beautiful.
I didn't even know that that's where this was written. | |
ysun Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 10:25 iš anglų į kinų + ... Certainly, it made it much more beautiful | Mar 26, 2009 |
wherestip wrote:
Oh, indeed there were some spectacular views when it snowed. We usually stayed indoors when it snowed heavily, so it made it that much more beautiful.
I didn't even know that that's where this was written.
1936年2月,毛泽东同志率领红军长征部队胜利到达陕北清涧县袁家沟,准备渡河东征,开赴抗日前线。为了视察地形,毛泽东同志登上海拔千米白雪覆盖的塬上,当“千里冰封”的大好河山展现在他眼前时,不禁感慨万千,诗兴大发,欣然命笔,写下了这一首豪放之词《沁园春•雪》。 | | | wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 10:25 iš kinų į anglų + ...
ysun wrote:
我也不知道清涧县在哪里. 但看这个地图, 延长在延川的南边, 清涧在延川的北边. 所以这几个县的地势应该是差不太多的. 我插队的公社叫安沟, 当年是穷中之穷的地方.
[Edited at 2009-03-26 22:48 GMT] | | | Questions: 1 How do dragons move? 2 Are there stock attitudes/poses?; auspicious animal | Mar 26, 2009 |
wherestip wrote:
lai an wrote:
鸣沙山与月牙泉:“四面风沙飞野马,一潭云影幻游龙”。(段德义、齐宝玲、李映瑞编,《甘肃旅游指南》,中国旅游出版社,北京,1982)"On all four sides wind and sand a flying wild horse, in the deep pool clouds and reflections a fantastical frolicking dragon".
I'm sorry, Lesley. I somehow missed this section of your previous post.
But I think "fantastical frolicking dragon" is an excellent choice of words for the term 游龙. Not only is it descriptive, but it also captures the essense and the beauty of the poem.
[Edited at 2009-03-26 11:41 GMT]
1 Thank you very much! 不敢当。I am quite fond of 'frolicking' here, for two reasons: I think I have seen pictures and animations of Chinese dragons frolicking in the clouds. And, for me, there is an association with 'leviathan frolicking in the ocean'. (BTW in that piece, for 四面, I had to make a choice between on 'all four sides' and 'all around' ... )
2 In the same way, the Great Wall-dragon at Jiayuguan appearing and disappearing in the Gobi evoked (for me) pictures of 'Nessie' (not the plesiosaur, the sea-serpent type) in the loch: http://www.explorehistoricalif.com/images/badwater_nessie.jpg
3 Two questions:
i How do dragons move? only up-and-down or from also side-to-side 'snakewise'? (If it's only 忽高忽低,忽上忽下, then 'sinuous' won't do, I guess, and perhaps 'meandering' could be doubtful ... 请问,你的‘meander' 是‘慢悠悠无目标地走’的意思吗,还是...?)
ii And I wonder are 游龙 and 舞龙 stock images, like lion-rampant?
[ Apparently Nessie visited Shenyang last year, courtesy of a Scottish company: http://www.polenth.com/news/archives/19 The Dragon Stone. This is a nice site. It has all sorts of dragons, including Mongolian naga. But no taniwha ... http://www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_chinese/folklore/1309831-taniwha.html ]
4 Auspicious animals etc, Song poet, Li Qing Zhao:
"Drunk under Flower Shadows":
'Mist and thick clouds tire of endless day, the auspicious essence leaves the golden animal.'
Any suggestions?
[Edited at 2009-03-27 03:13 GMT] | | | Puslapiai temoje: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » Question about TV show "The Water Margin" (水滸傳) CafeTran Espresso | You've never met a CAT tool this clever!
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