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Off topic: 我们这里有外汇市场专家吗?(M+M+M!) Gijos autorius: chance (X)
wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 11:12 iš kinų į anglų + ... Market excesses | Nov 22, 2007 |
November 5, 2007
PetroChina tops Exxon as world's largest group
A 160 per cent jump in the first deals at the oil group propel it above Exxon as the world's largest company by market value
Jane Macartney in Beijing
PetroChina, Asia’s largest oil and gas company, became the world’s first company to be valued at more than $1 trillion (£480.38 billion) when asset-hungry Chinese investors piled in to buy shares on their debut yesterday.
Shares in PetroChina, listed at 16.70 yuan (£1.08), almost tripled in value with an opening price of 48.60 yuan, exceeding analysts’ expectations of 35 yuan and leapfrogging Exxon Mobil to become the world’s most valuable company by market capitalisation.
But PetroChina’s strong start on the Shanghai stock exchange was as much a warning of a growing Chinese market bubble as it was a reflection of investor demand.
Urging caution over investor fever on the Chinese markets, Wen Jiabao, the Chinese Premier, said: “The Government will take measures to prevent asset bubbles and avoid huge fluctuations in the stock market.”
Shares in PetroChina closed up 163 per cent at 43.96 yuan, or about 55 times earnings per share — far above the average of 18 times for oil firms globally but still below an average of about 80 times for other China-listed oil and gas stocks.
Exxon Mobil, by contrast, trades at about 13 times earnings.
In addition, PetroChina is far less profitable than its rival.
First-half results showed PetroChina’s net profit at $10.9 billion, compared with Exxon’s $19.5 billion.
Wang Jing, an analyst with Orient Securities in Shanghai, said: “The opening price is really too high as far as PetroChina’s corporate fundamentals are concerned.”
[Edited at 2007-11-22 15:38] | | |
wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 11:12 iš kinų į anglų + ... |
wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 11:12 iš kinų į anglų + ... |
wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 11:12 iš kinų į anglų + ...
wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 11:12 iš kinų į anglų + ... Dire outlook for the near term U. S. economy | Jan 17, 2008 |
Bernanke: Juice the economy 'quickly'
Fed chairman, urging lawmakers to boost consumer spending within 12 months, tags mortgage meltdown's cost at $100 billion or more.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress Thursday that legislators should enact a fiscal stimulus package in order to help beleaguered consumers as recession fears grow.
The comments by Bernanke, who testified before the House Budget Committee, came as a cascade of more bad news about the housing, financial and manufacturing sectors stoked calls for decisive action.
"To be useful, a fiscal stimulus package should be implemented quickly and structured so that its effects on aggregate spending are felt as much as possible within the next twelve months or so," Bernanke said.
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chance (X) iš prancūzų į kinų + ... TEMOS KŪRĖJA(S) 我总觉得美国现在的问题不是技术性问题 | Jan 17, 2008 |
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wherestip Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 11:12 iš kinų į anglų + ... |
Zhoudan Local time: 01:12 iš anglų į kinų + ...
chance (X) iš prancūzų į kinų + ... TEMOS KŪRĖJA(S) 我正想问:国内股市没有受到太多影响吧? | Jan 24, 2008 |
[Edited at 2008-01-24 10:43] | | |
Zhoudan Local time: 01:12 iš anglų į kinų + ... |
chance (X) iš prancūzų į kinų + ... TEMOS KŪRĖJA(S) 我怎么觉得中国银行没全部进入国际市场 | Jan 24, 2008 |
Zhoudan wrote:
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无论是涨还是跌,总是因为有人出来咕哝一下。前两天看到有一个证券公司的MSN上起了个名字,“网民说把马X 明拉出去毙了”
最近俺家相公没空管,交给我管。我反正有空就去银河证券的系统上瞄一眼。就不信逮捕到那小样的(赚钱,:D) | |
chance (X) iš prancūzų į kinų + ... TEMOS KŪRĖJA(S) 你的帖子对我这个股盲就像密码,难以破解 | Jan 24, 2008 |
Zhiqin_Chen wrote:
无论是涨还是跌,总是因为有人出来咕哝一下。前两天看到有一个证券公司的MSN上起了个名字,“网民说把马X 明拉出去毙了”
最近俺家相公没空管,交给我管。我反正有空就去银河证券的系统上瞄一眼。就不信逮捕到那小样的(赚钱,:D) | | |
像我这样不爱动脑子,费功夫钻研的人,主要还是守株待兔啦。有人叫我割肉,我不舍得,嘿嘿。其实如果挪动一下,换换股票,早就出来了,但是我还是保守。那个纸上的钱看上去只是一个数字,改变一下很容易,噼啪一两分钟就完了,但是消失的钱不知道要花多长时间才能挣回来呢。 | | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taivanis Local time: 01:12 iš anglų į kinų + ...
Zhiqin_Chen wrote:
那是严重破坏金融市场交易的公平性,确实违反道德,也因此法律有明文规定是违法的。在台湾连陈水扁总统的女婿和亲家都可以因此而被提起公诉,经过审判,定谳判刑的,谁也罩不住他们。 | | |
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