Puslapiai temoje: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31] > | Off topic: 我们这里有外汇市场专家吗?(M+M+M!) Gijos autorius: chance (X)
| isahuang Local time: 11:19 iš anglų į kinų + ...
chance wrote:
Chance, 祝贺你们有了一位新总统。
记得2005年动乱那会儿,Sarko说过要改变移民政策,效法加拿大的接受移民的做法,严格审核移民,不能什么人都收。其实我觉得这样做没有什么不好,接受移民根接受难民不一样,要有一定的要求,不能来者不拒。 | | | chance (X) iš prancūzų į kinų + ... TEMOS KŪRĖJA(S) 新华网评新法国总统当选后的法美关系 | May 7, 2007 |
希拉克在伊拉克战争问题上的反美立场赢得了法国民众的广泛认可,但其继承人萨科齐却被认为是个“亲美派”,在他看来,法美关系不睦在一定程度上损害了法国利益,因此有必要进行修补,但是他同时强调“朋友关系不是顺从关系”,“要勇于向犯错误的朋友讲出真相”。萨科齐当选总统后在与布什总统... See more 在坚持法国原有基本立场的基础上逐步改善同美国的关系。
Je veux lancer un appel à nos amis américains pour leur dire qu'ils peuvent compter sur notre amitié (applaudissements) , qui s'est forgée dans les tragédies de l'Histoire que nous avons abordées ensemble.
Je veux leur dire que la France sera toujours à leur côté quand ils auront besoin d'elle, mais je veux leur dire aussi que l'amitié, c'est accepter que ses amis puissent penser différemment (applaudissements) et qu'une grande nation comme les Etats-Unis a le devoir de ne pas faire obstacle à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, mais au contraire de prendre la tête de ce combat, parce que ce qui est en jeu c'est le sort de l'humanité tout entière. La France fera de ce combat sont premier combat.
[Edited at 2007-05-07 06:41] ▲ Collapse | | | Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taivanis Local time: 00:19 iš anglų į kinų + ...
chance wrote:
Sarkozy 话说得四平八稳,说来不过是 old student long talk。所有的友谊都是各有各的算盘,会让朋友付出惨重代价的,不可能产生友谊行为。
法国怎可能陪着美国干世界警察的任务?怎说也不可能是 Sarkozy 一个总统说了算数,国会没有通过,对于那些重大的国际“瓶颈”问题,法国的外交政策能调整多少?那些选前选后说 Sarkozy 亲美,会大幅改变对美外交政策的人,不是睁眼说瞎话、故意污蔑他,就是对外交事务一点概念都没有。 | | | chance (X) iš prancūzų į kinų + ... TEMOS KŪRĖJA(S)
还是Steve说的有道理:IMO 有些抗衡其实好
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
那些选前选后说 Sarkozy 亲美,会大幅改变对美外交政策的人,不是睁眼说瞎话、故意污蔑他,就是对外交事务一点概念都没有。
[Edited at 2007-05-07 07:27] | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taivanis Local time: 00:19 iš anglų į kinų + ...
Tingting Huang wrote:
Sarkozy 要新的移民政策,整个欧洲其实都应该那样做,否则欧盟国家边界不设防,在某类的难民带着枪杆子移民过去、生米煮成熟饭之前,欧盟最好做些一致性的防范。 | | | Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taivanis Local time: 00:19 iš anglų į kinų + ...
chance wrote:
还是Steve说的有道理:IMO 有些抗衡其实好
不管谁主政,枪杆子不够硬,肯定有不同意见抗衡。这当然是好现象,没有这种现象的国家不适合文明人生活。选总统到底不是选皇帝。 | | | chance (X) iš prancūzų į kinų + ... TEMOS KŪRĖJA(S)
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
chance wrote:
还是Steve说的有道理:IMO 有些抗衡其实好
| | | chance (X) iš prancūzų į kinų + ... TEMOS KŪRĖJA(S)
chance wrote:
非洲有些国家也不喜欢在他们那里作生意的中国人。 | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taivanis Local time: 00:19 iš anglų į kinų + ...
chance wrote:
这世间确实有些人信奉威权,在台湾就看到不少那种人,失去了威权领导和荫护,他们的生活如丧考妣。有时看到那种得了失心症、无法为自己负责的人,打心底怜悯他们。 | | | Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taivanis Local time: 00:19 iš anglų į kinų + ...
chance wrote:
chance wrote:
这倒是真的,人不只有理性,人的心中还是有非理性的成分。比方说,种族、族群、社会阶级等等歧视,就是那种非理性的情绪反应,看到了非我族类不爽就是,否则长得帅美的人怎会比较占便宜? | | | isahuang Local time: 11:19 iš anglų į kinų + ... translation question | May 7, 2007 |
Chance, what is the original word from Sarkozy when he said he promised a rupture from the past, a clean rupture? This is the English translation. I heard on CCTV 4 last night the word 和平的分离。I don't know the French version, but judging by the English translation, I don't think 和平is the right word here. What do you think? | | | Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taivanis Local time: 00:19 iš anglų į kinų + ...
Tingting Huang wrote:
Chance, what is the original word from Sarkozy when he said he promised a rupture from the past, a clean rupture? This is the English translation. I heard on CCTV 4 last night the word 和平的分离。I don't know the French version, but judging by the English translation, I don't think 和平is the right word here. What do you think?
Did he say that? Was your English version a translation or just a report? I don't remember that Sarkozy said anything literally like that. The most probable passage should be:
... Ma priorité sera de tout mettre en oeuvre pour que les Français aient toujours envie de se parler, de se comprendre, de travailler ensemble. Le peuple français s'est exprimé. Il a choisi de rompre, de rompre avec les idées, les habitudes et les comportements du passé....
Wow! 要是真能和平的分离,怨偶仳离也不用像是仇家一样,那太好了! | |
pkchan Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos Local time: 11:19 Narys (2006) iš anglų į kinų + ...
Yahoo: Sarkozy will take over from Chirac on May 16, and has promised to act quickly to enact key items of his manifesto. His campaign was based on the theme of "la rupture" -- a clean break from past policies which he blamed for creating France's runaway debt, high unemployment and festering discontent in the high-immigration suburbs.
Dictionary meaning: rupture
3 entries found for rupture.
Main ... See more Yahoo: Sarkozy will take over from Chirac on May 16, and has promised to act quickly to enact key items of his manifesto. His campaign was based on the theme of "la rupture" -- a clean break from past policies which he blamed for creating France's runaway debt, high unemployment and festering discontent in the high-immigration suburbs.
Dictionary meaning: rupture
3 entries found for rupture.
Main Entry: 1rup·ture
Pronunciation: 'r&p(t)-sh&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ruptur, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French rupture, from Latin ruptura fracture, from ruptus, past participle of rumpere to break -- more at REAVE
1 : breach of peace or concord; specifically : open hostility or war between nations
2 a : the tearing apart of a tissue b : HERNIA
3 : a breaking apart or the state of being broken apart
Tingting Huang wrote:
Chance, what is the original word from Sarkozy when he said he promised a rupture from the past, a clean rupture? This is the English translation. I heard on CCTV 4 last night the word 和平的分离。I don't know the French version, but judging by the English translation, I don't think 和平is the right word here. What do you think?
[Edited at 2007-05-07 18:09] ▲ Collapse | | | isahuang Local time: 11:19 iš anglų į kinų + ...
pkchan wrote:
3 entries found for rupture.
Main Entry: 1rup·ture
Pronunciation: 'r&p(t)-sh&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ruptur, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French rupture, from Latin ruptura fracture, from ruptus, past participle of rumpere to break -- more at REAVE
1 : breach of peace or concord; specifically : open hostility or war between nations
2 a : the tearing apart of a tissue b : HERNIA
3 : a breaking apart or the state of being broken apart
PK, my question is on the word 和平, not on rupture. | | | isahuang Local time: 11:19 iš anglų į kinų + ... clarification | May 7, 2007 |
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
Tingting Huang wrote:
Chance, what is the original word from Sarkozy when he said he promised a rupture from the past, a clean rupture? This is the English translation. I heard on CCTV 4 last night the word 和平的分离。I don't know the French version, but judging by the English translation, I don't think 和平is the right word here. What do you think?
Did he say that? Was your English version a translation or just a report? I don't remember that Sarkozy said anything literally like that. The most probable passage should be:
... Ma priorité sera de tout mettre en oeuvre pour que les Français aient toujours envie de se parler, de se comprendre, de travailler ensemble. Le peuple français s'est exprimé. Il a choisi de rompre, de rompre avec les idées, les habitudes et les comportements du passé....
Wow! 要是真能和平的分离,怨偶仳离也不用像是仇家一样,那太好了!
I think Sarkozy used the word rupture. I want to know if there is any adjective for that word in his original expression. It is his campaign slogan, he might use only the word rupture. Reports in English use the word clean break. The Chinese coverage said 和平的分离. I don't think that is a correct intrepretation. But there might be more context behind it and that's why I want to check with Chance. | | | Puslapiai temoje: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 我们这里有外汇市场专家吗?(M+M+M!) Wordfast Pro | Translation Memory Software for Any Platform
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